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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Electoral Commission: 57 political parties are under establishment...and clarifications regardin

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The Electoral Commission: 57 political parties are under establishment...and clarifications regardin Empty The Electoral Commission: 57 political parties are under establishment...and clarifications regardin

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Dec 2021, 6:02 am

    The Electoral Commission: 57 political parties are under establishment...and clarifications regarding contract employees

    •  Time: 12/19/2021 14:57:56
    •  Reading: 52 times

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    Election Commission:
    With the aim of developing work in the electoral field, the Electoral Commission is currently working, under the direction of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Judge Jalil Adnan Khalaf, to prepare technical, financial, legal and administrative studies for the recent electoral process. To benefit from it in evaluating this event and evaluating the work to ensure improvement in the level of performance for future benefits.
    In a related context, and as part of a systematic strategic plan, the Commission works through the electoral district offices to spread electoral awareness and consolidate the idea of ​​free suffrage among middle school students whose ages will be included in the upcoming elections, by conducting practices that simulate the voting process in coordination with educational institutions in the governorate. Al-Muthanna Governorate Electoral Office, in addition to the Dohuk office, started organizing lectures on electoral awareness.
    On the other hand, the Political Parties and Organizations Department of the Electoral Commission continues to grant founding permits to parties wishing to register, as their number reached (266) parties, including (5) parties registered with conditional permits, in addition to (57) parties under establishment, and the number of approved alliances reached ( 42) alliance so far.
    The Electoral Commission continues to take practical measures to classify the data of state employees who contributed to the voting process for the purpose of completing the procedures related to their work in accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. (174) of 2021.
           At the administrative-organizational level, efforts continue to follow up the file of electoral contracts employees to address their issue in transferring the type of contract from Elective to operational in the functional structure of the Commission in accordance with paragraph No. (2) of Cabinet Resolution No. (284) for the year 2021.
    With regard to the polling materials, and under the direct guidance of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Judge (Jalil Adnan Khalaf), the directors of the electoral offices supervise the warehouses of the Commission that are intended to store voting equipment and kits to ensure their readiness and safety and to preserve their contents.
          As part of its endeavor to expand the infrastructure of the Commission, the Board of Commissioners worked to establish a professional studio to produce educational materials related to the Commission’s work, in a move to keep pace with technological development. The Council was keen to make the studio at the highest level to serve the electoral process; To be the first studio of its kind since the establishment of work in the Electoral Commission.

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