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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The trade balance between Iraq and Iran is 89% tilted in favor of Tehran and only 11% in favor of Ba

    Admin Assist
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    The trade balance between Iraq and Iran is 89% tilted in favor of Tehran and only 11% in favor of Ba Empty The trade balance between Iraq and Iran is 89% tilted in favor of Tehran and only 11% in favor of Ba

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Apr 2022, 8:17 am

    [size=30]The trade balance between Iraq and Iran is 89% tilted in favor of Tehran and only 11% in favor of Baghdad!

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    In data that were not limited to revealing the volume of Iranian exports to Iraq only, but went to reveal the volume of trade exchange between the two countries, figures revealed by the customs administration’s data indicated that the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and Iran reached nearly $9.27 billion, and Iran exported to Iraq at $8.22 billion. It imported only $1.05 billion from it.
    And the Iranian English-language newspaper, Financial Tribune, quoted data from the Iranian customs administration, that "the volume of Iranian trade deals with 15 neighboring countries during the past 11 months until last February amounted to 92.26 million tons, with a value of 46.25 billion dollars."
    The report quoted the data of the Iranian Customs Administration, which indicated that “the UAE is Iran’s largest trading partner with a volume of 21.3 million tons, valued at $18.8 billion, and Turkey comes after it with 18.78 million tons, valued at $10.31 billion.
    As for Iraq, according to Iranian data, the volume of trade exchange with it amounted to 30.36 million tons, worth 9.27 billion dollars, while Iran’s exports to Iraq were 28.02 million tons, valued at 8.22 billion dollars, to be its largest commercial front, which indicates that Iraq was its share of trade exchange. With Iran, exports amounted to just over a billion dollars, while imports from it amounted to more than 8 billion dollars.
    Thus, the trade balance between Iraq and Iran is tilted by 89% in favor of Iran, and only 11% in favor of Iraq.
    Turkey came after Iraq in receiving Iranian exports, with 15.3 million tons, worth 5.61 billion dollars, then the UAE with 9.84 million tons, worth 4.23 billion dollars, followed by Afghanistan with 3.85 million tons, worth 1.66 billion dollars, and Pakistan with 2.63 million tons worth $1.13 billion.
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