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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Kurdistan increases emergency releases to Lake Hamrin and Diyala confirms: abuses rob two-thirds of

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Kurdistan increases emergency releases to Lake Hamrin and Diyala confirms: abuses rob two-thirds of  Empty Kurdistan increases emergency releases to Lake Hamrin and Diyala confirms: abuses rob two-thirds of

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 May 2022, 6:22 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Kurdistan increases emergency releases to Lake Hamrin and Diyala confirms: abuses rob two-thirds of the water[/size]

    [size=45]On Sunday, a government official in the Kurdistan Region announced an increase in water emergency releases from the Darbandikhan Dam towards Lake Hamrin in Diyala, while the latter confirmed that the violations "loot two-thirds of the releases."[/size]
    [size=45]The Director General of Dams in the Kurdistan Region, Rahman Khani, said that "the rate of releases from Darbandikhan Dam rose from 30 m3/sec to 50 m3/sec, and the rate of releases that finally reach Lake Hamrin exceeds 47 m3/sec."[/size]
    [size=45]And he indicated that "a joint and specialized committee from Diyala and the Karmian administration is following up on raising and treating the abuses in the distances extending from the Darbandikhan Dam to Lake Hamrin, and the removal and treatment operations are continuing to ensure that the releases reach Diyala and save it from water scarcity."[/size]
    [size=45]Meanwhile, the head of the Union of Farmers’ Associations in Diyala, Raad Hatem Al-Tamimi, revealed that “there are violations that start from the outskirts of the Darbandikhan Dam and reach the Hamrin border, which have not been addressed yet, and loot two-thirds of the water releases agreed upon between Diyala and the Karmian administration.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Tamimi called for “deterrent punitive measures against transgressors to prevent wasting water outside of unnecessary needs in light of the drinking water crisis experienced by most areas of Diyala.”[/size]
    [size=45]The Director of Water Resources in the Garmian administration, Muayyad Ahmad Shamsallah, had confirmed earlier that “a government delegation from Diyala headed by the governor, his deputy and directors of the relevant departments visited Garmian, and it was agreed on an urgent rescue plan for Diyala from thirst, and to secure drinking water by enhancing the lake’s stockpile.” Hamrin in the province from the Darbandikhan Dam and across the Diyala River.[/size]
    [size=45]Shamsallah added, "The agreement provides for reducing the releases of rivers and streams in Karmian, which are fed by the Darbandikhan Dam, to a percentage of more than 60% and diverting the releases to Hamrin Lake in Diyala to secure drinking water due to the emergency situation in Diyala and the depletion of water sources, in addition to strengthening cooperation between Diyala and Karmian.[/size]
    [size=45]The official confirmed, "the formation of a committee from Diyala and Karmian to implement the agreement, exchange field visits, and work to remove all violations and water straits, especially within the borders of Diyala Governorate."[/size]
    [size=45]Hamrin Lake 55 km northeast of Baquba, following the Hamrin Dam, which is located on the course of the Alwand River in Diyala Governorate, was opened in June 1981, with the aim of protecting the cities of the Diyala River Basin from seasonal floods.[/size]
    [size=45]Lake Hamrin is located east of Al-Saadiya district and forms the strategic water reservoir in Diyala. It currently supplies more than 70% of Diyala regions with drinking water and irrigation water and is capable of holding two billion and 400 million cubic meters.[/size]
    [size=45]Diyala is the governorate most affected by the water crisis due to its dependence on external revenues from neighboring countries and the lack of rain in the last winter season, in addition to the depletion of its strategic water reserves in Lake Hamrin and other areas.[/size]
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