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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic discusses with Masrour Barzani in Davos the disputes between the regio

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The President of the Republic discusses with Masrour Barzani in Davos the disputes between the regio Empty The President of the Republic discusses with Masrour Barzani in Davos the disputes between the regio

    Post by Rocky Wed 18 Jan 2023, 6:14 am

    The President of the Republic discusses with Masrour Barzani in Davos the disputes between the region and the center and the oil and gas law

    23-01-18 11:37:00

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    [rtl]Covenant / Switzerland[/rtl]
    [rtl]The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, received at his residence the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Mr. Masrour Barzani, on the sidelines of the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland.[/rtl]
    [rtl]A statement by the Presidency of the Republic, received on the Al-Ahed website today, Wednesday, stated that "the meeting reviewed the latest political and security developments in Iraq, where the President stressed the importance of joining efforts and unifying visions regarding the challenges facing all Iraqis."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added, "The misunderstanding between the Kurdish political parties and the need to focus on solving problems and putting the interests of the region's citizens first and at various levels, especially those related to government decisions directly related to people's livelihood, were also discussed."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The statement pointed out that "the President of the Republic called for the necessity of giving priority to the national interest in all outstanding issues and finding decisive solutions to them in accordance with the constitution and the law, and the importance of approving the draft oil and gas law to achieve justice and adopt transparency in the distribution of wealth among Iraqis."[/rtl]
    [rtl]In turn, the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government stressed, according to the statement, "the need to adopt serious dialogue to solve problems between the political forces and the necessity of reaching understandings that strengthen unity among Iraqis and achieve their aspirations for a free and dignified life."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He noted the "discussion of participation in the work of the Davos Economic Forum, and the importance of conveying a picture of the development, progress and stability that occurred in Iraqi cities."[/rtl]
    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 6:49 pm