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    "He did not visit Baghdad in 2017." Al-Abadi's coalition responds to "Pompeo": Your allegations offe

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    "He did not visit Baghdad in 2017." Al-Abadi's coalition responds to "Pompeo": Your allegations offe Empty "He did not visit Baghdad in 2017." Al-Abadi's coalition responds to "Pompeo": Your allegations offe

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 Jan 2023, 4:59 am

    "He did not visit Baghdad in 2017." Al-Abadi's coalition responds to "Pompeo": Your allegations offend Iraq

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    2023-01-28 12:50

    Shafaq News/ The Victory Coalition headed by Haider Al-Abadi responded, on Saturday, to the "allegations" of the former US Secretary of State, "Mike Pompeo", considering it an insult to Iraq.
    In a statement received by Shafaq News agency, the coalition said, "The Victory Coalition denies in detail what was attributed to former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of insulting Al-Abadi, and considers it part of the American internal partisan conflict. In the words of Carolina Governor Nikki Haley: Pompeo's memoirs "Lies were said and told."

    He added, "Pompeo's allegations, which he conveyed to Al-Abadi, are pure fabrication." He continued, "The slightest revision of history proves the invalidity of Pompeo's claim. The P5 + 1 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran was adopted on October 18, 2015. As a result, the UN sanctions on Iran were lifted on January 16, 2016. On May 8, 2018, the US President announced Donald Trump that the United States will withdraw from the Iranian nuclear agreement.The United States re-introduced the sanctions in November 2018, and expanded them in 2019 and 2020 to include the Iranian financial sector.What Pompeo touched on did not exist in the first place in 2017, as there were no sanctions in the financial aspect to equip Electricity is from Iran, and sanctions were not imposed again until the end of 2018, so how did Pompeo request that when the sanctions were not even in place!!In addition to that Pompeo did not visit Iraq in 2017, but rather visited Iraq at the beginning of 2019. Accordingly, what Pompeo mentioned is contrary to the facts and the course of events, and it is sheer lies that are offensive to American officials before they are offensive to Iraqi officials. And his claim that Soleimani threatens the highest authority in Iraq is a justification for the assassination, which represents an assault on Iraqi sovereignty. We challenge any American institution to officially document these allegations, bearing in mind that all meetings are archived."
    And the statement added, "The years of governance 2014-2018 proved that it was not subject to regional and international axes, and was able to employ contradictions in favor of Iraq by managing war and peace. He who fears does not lead a country and wins, and we have won with the people's energy and the wisdom of administration and leadership for our battles against terrorism, division and bankruptcy." and dependency.”
    He concluded by saying, "While we deny what was attributed to" Pompeo "against the Prime Minister of Iraq, al-Abadi, we condemn in the strongest terms this national insult to Iraq and we find no explanation for it."
    Pompeo's memoirs stated that he "asked Al-Abadi a question whether Iraq should stop importing electricity from Iran if the United States of America provided financial support in return? The second option is that Iraq will be exposed to the danger of US sanctions on its national electrical grid."
    Pompeo said Abadi looked at him very seriously and said, "Mr. Director, when you leave, Qassem Soleimani will come to see me. You may take my money from me, but he will take my life itself."
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      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 12:59 pm