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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hussein: Unemployment is a huge problem facing Iraq, and changing the people's culture is a solution

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hussein: Unemployment is a huge problem facing Iraq, and changing the people's culture is a solution Empty Hussein: Unemployment is a huge problem facing Iraq, and changing the people's culture is a solution

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Feb 2023, 2:43 pm

    Hussein: Unemployment is a huge problem facing Iraq, and changing the people's culture is a solution to the crisis[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 22:22 |

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    Baghdad Today - Follow-up
    Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, who is currently leading a delegation to Washington, said that: "The problem of unemployment in Iraq, despite its prevalence, can only be addressed through" changing the culture of the Iraqi people.
    During a dialogue session at the Wilson Center in Washington, translated by (Baghdad Today), Hussein described unemployment as "a huge problem facing Iraq," noting that "the majority of the Iraqi people are young, and we have thousands of additional university graduates every year who demand jobs." 
    Hussein explained, "The current mentality and culture in Iraqi society is to search for a job in the governmental public sector, because it provides great security with regard to sudden economic changes and their effects on citizens."
    He stressed the importance of "launching a campaign to change the culture of the Iraqi people in order to solve the unemployment crisis." 
    And the Foreign Minister acknowledged that the private sector in Iraq suffers from "great weakness," calling on the government to "rebuild the economy again in a way that guarantees federalism and decentralization."
    Hussein criticized the current government performance, asking: "How can the private sector develop and we have a liberal economy based on the market if the main pillar of the economy is the hands of the government?", he said.
    He called on young people to seek work in the private sector instead of the government. 
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