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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq tops the list of countries that import most Turkish furniture and paper within 10 months

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq tops the list of countries that import most Turkish furniture and paper within 10 months Empty Iraq tops the list of countries that import most Turkish furniture and paper within 10 months

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Nov 2023, 5:12 am

    Iraq tops the list of countries that import most Turkish furniture and paper within 10 months

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    2023-11-14 05:00

    Shafaq News/ Iraq topped the list of countries that imported most furniture and paper from Turkey during the past ten months of 2023.
    The Turkish Mediterranean region's exports of furniture and paper exceeded $723 million from the beginning of the year until the end of last October.
    The Union of Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters, based in Mersin Province, said in a statement on Tuesday that the region’s exports in October amounted to 81 million and 740 thousand dollars.
    He added that exports for the period between January and October amounted to 723 million and 49 thousand dollars.
    Iraq topped the list of countries that imported the most from Turkey during the aforementioned period, followed by the United Kingdom and then the United States of America, according to the official Turkish Anatolia Agency.
    According to the Turkish Exporters Union, Turkey's revenues from furniture and paper exports amounted to $3.9 billion during the first half of this year.
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      Current date/time is Thu 16 Jan 2025, 3:34 pm