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    Abadi ministerial complements his booth after 40 days of gaining the confidence

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi ministerial complements his booth after 40 days of gaining the confidence  Empty Abadi ministerial complements his booth after 40 days of gaining the confidence

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Oct 2014, 8:07 am

    Abadi ministerial complements his booth after 40 days of gaining the confidence 

    Baghdad / term 

    After forty days of receiving a confidence parliamentary succeeded Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in completing his booth ministerial vote on the Minister of security bags in conjunction with the performance of the Minister of the Kurds was sworn. 
    , and after political controversy continued for more than a month after the failure of his first attempt to vote on the Minister of Security, was able Abadi appoint ministers counties of the ministries was administered by proxy over the past five years. 
    got Ghaban Mohammed Salem, on the mass of Badr, to 197 votes, while the won Khaled al-Obeidi, a block from the Union of Forces 0.173 votes out of 233 deputies attended the session. The number of deputies to the 328 members. 
    was approved by the House of Representatives and the majority of ministers who cast them Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who succeeded al-Maliki in August, during a session of confidence in his government to grant the eighth of September. He asked Abadi at the time give him a week to nominate ministers to fill two bags. 
    , but the parliament refused in September 16 the two candidates put forward by Abadi, which led to leave the main two suitcases security posts vacant in the midst of the battles waged by Iraqi forces against al Daash. 
    holding the House of Representatives, yesterday, held its 22nd of the first legislative term of the first legislative year of the first parliamentary session under the chairmanship of its President Saleem al-Jubouri and the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and 261 deputies. The agenda of the meeting to vote on the remaining ministers from the cabinet and the swearing-in of a number of MPs. The session saw on Saturday, 4 new members join the government Abadi. Voice of Parliament on Hoshyar Zebari as finance minister and Ruz Nuri Shaways as Deputy Prime Minister as well as the statement Nuri as minister for women while was just Fahd Alhurcab tourism. 
    According to a parliamentary source, speaking for "long-Presse," the "Rose Nuri Shaways got 195 votes and Zebari got 167 votes out of 261 deputies present in the meeting. " 
    the source added that "the Parliament also voted on the MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs statement Nuri Minister for Women after receiving 194 votes out of the number of deputies present," adding that "MP Adel Hurcab got 217 votes out of 261 deputies attended the session. " 
    also saw the agenda of the House of Representatives, yesterday, adding a paragraph to discuss the security situation in the country, a proposal made ​​by Prime Minister al-Abadi. 
    According to a parliamentary source high for the "long-Presse," the "House of Representatives approved a request made ​​by the Prime Minister Haider Abadi to add a paragraph to discuss the security situation in the country to work its the 22. " 
    and failed to former House of Representatives to discuss the security situation with former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which has long rejected calls parliamentary hosted by the commander in chief of the armed forces. 
    decided Presidency of the Council of Representatives to adjourn the meeting of the 22 legislative term to the first day Monday.

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