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    The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash


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    The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash Empty The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash

    Post by wciappetta Tue 04 Nov 2014, 2:56 am

    I brought this report in part because of the silly title... This is a common issue in Middle east translations...It will serve us well to remember it when something doesn't make sense in the wording.

    The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash

    Mon Nov 03 2014 21:00 | (Voice of Iraq) -  Add Comment - long-Presse / Baghdad 

    Revealed universally known American newspaper, on Monday, a plan prepared by the Iraqi forces supporting the US, to begin a military campaign and the widespread liberalization of areas north of the country and west of control (Daash) the end of next 2015, while indicated that it "may be required" to allow American advisers, accompany Iraqi units on the battlefield, confirmed that the position requires the mobilization of additional Iraqi and Kurdish forces (Peshmerga), and increase their handlers allied countries, expected to be the "war to defeat Daash will be long." 

    The New York Times quoted, for US officials as saying that "the campaign aims to break the occupation Daash areas of northern Iraq and western Incorporation government for control of the city of Mosul and other population centers, as well as the country roads main borders with Syria, by the end of next 2015". 

    According to the New York Times, that "the Iraqi armed forces, the Peshmerga forces, had carried out some invasions in recent weeks, during which the liberated areas occupied Daash, including Rabia border with Syria crossing, and the Baiji refinery, north of Salah al-Din, and the city of Zammar, and the rock cliff north of Babylon ", noting that" the great attack, which called for the assistance of the American military planners, three Iraqi military training requires teams comprised of 20 thousand troops in the coming months. " 

    He said a US military officials, on condition of anonymity, according to the newspaper, said that "it will serve as a balance between allowing the Iraqi side draw their own plans and attach themselves, while ensuring that the deployment of troops to areas farther and enhance their capabilities faster." 

    She said The New York Times, that "more than 12 Iraqi and US responsible begun providing details of that plan, which will clarify the features about growing," indicating that "the plan aims to attack the militants Daash and isolate them from stationing major areas such as Mosul." 

    The newspaper pointed out, that "the work continues to form a special task force led by Gen. James Terry, who oversees the armed forces in the Middle East, from its base in Kuwait," pointing out that "Gen. Powell Fink, lead-based secondary in Baghdad, supervised by which hundreds of advisers and trainers working Americans with the Iraqi forces. " 

    According to the New York Times, "the arrival of the desire to train Iraqi forces to a high degree of momentum, it is expected to widen the scope of the presence of US troops from Baghdad and Erbil to other areas, including the al-Assad air base in Anbar province in the west, and perhaps in Taji, north of Baghdad, also." , and added that "the effort to rebuild the Iraqi army combat capabilities, may face challenges, including the risk that exploits militants Daash Atakndq for the next term in the western and northern regions of Iraq and the further killings." 

    And went on to the newspaper, that "the United States does not currently planning to advise Iraqi forces below the level of the brigade, which is often a population of two thousand troops, as the picture is not clear yet under any circumstances allow the White House to American advisers, to accompany Iraqi units on the battlefield, or that are calling for the implementation of air strikes, which counted chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Kamour may be necessary. " 

    According to the events in Iraq in 2008, when "staggers the Iraqi army after the attack by an attack on militias in Basra," according to the newspaper, that "such an advisory role on the battlefield is likely to be necessary, and that when he sent American commanders of their troops to advise Iraqi forces which was the size of a brigade reinforced with air strikes. " 

    He said officials in the United States, as the New York Times reported, "The preliminary census force they intend to advise her of nine Iraqi brigades, and three like her, and units of the Peshmerga forces, which together account for up to 24 thousand troops." 

    And based on the paper to a senior military official, stressing that "the attack contrast plan calls for doubling the census force by adding three teams have, per census of which ranges between eight to 12 thousand troops," seamless "The United States relies on its partners in the coalition forces, to increase the number of trained, such as Australia, Canada and Norway, who have vowed to send hundreds of special forces training. " 

    He believed American officials, according to the newspaper, that "even if the plan succeeded Daash defeat at the end of 2015 in Iraq, some pockets of resistance remain, where US commanders acknowledged that the war to defeat Daash will be long." 

    It was more of a US official, including President Barack Obama, has repeatedly stressed that the war against (Daash) will be long. 

    It is noteworthy that the organization (Daash) seized the city of Mosul, Nineveh province, (405 km north of Baghdad), in (the tenth of June 2014), and then extended his "terrorist" to Karagot, Salahuddin and Diyala, Babylon and many other parts of Iraq.

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    The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash Empty Re: The New York Times: Iraqis are preparing to launch an attack on the US with the help of Daash

    Post by weslin3 Tue 04 Nov 2014, 8:03 am

    Yes. Their titles and wording can confuse me. That is for sure.

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