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    Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq


    Posts : 1858
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq Empty Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq

    Post by Proven Sat 19 Sep 2015, 7:30 pm

    Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq

    9/20/2015 0:00

    BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai
    The international community will show its cooperation and wide to support Iraq to overcome its financial problems, given the exceptional circumstances experienced by the country militarily and economically, according to confirmed by the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, revealing the determination of Dr. Haider Abadi announce a new package of complementary reforms of the decisions of the previous packages.

    Chancellor Dr. said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told (morning): that there is international cooperation and wide to support and assist Iraq to remedy the economic problems the cash crisis faced by the government because of the exceptional circumstances experienced by the military operations against «Daash».

    He said the government went to economic development and activation of investment to provide feasible alternatives to activate the agricultural and industrial sectors and the launch of the strategy for reconstruction and rehabilitation of state-owned enterprises and the private sector, noting that the move may take time to clear their results, but a step to encourage and attract investment and international companies and activating the private sector.

    He said Saleh to take the Council of Ministers for phrase decisions contribute to raising the incomes of State and diversify its financial resources, including the decision to impose tariffs on all goods entering and sales tax, which is a good step to encourage national production and to maximize the resources of the state, revealing the determination of the government, headed by Dr. Haider Abadi launch reforms package new and complementary decisions and firmness previous in the coming days, adding that the reforms will not stop in spite of attempts to disable them by some of the parties that were damaged its interests, pointing out that the government's reforms begun to bear fruit gradually, especially as the country was able to spare citizens the risk of financial crisis, which has affected the major financial nations economies led to declare a state of austerity which is not a rare situation.

    Saleh called on the concerned authorities the economic aspect to the establishment of institutions according to the approved international banking laws, warning that it is necessary to work obsolete new to keep the financial system in Iraq and the establishment of institutions according to banking laws to protect workers and depositors, also drew attention to the Iraqi economy needs to be a serious stand for the advancement its work and banking in general in line with the requirements of the current phase, economic and security challenges.

    And as an economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Iraq's financial losses since June last year 15 percent of gross domestic product, attributing the reasons for those losses to the security situation in some provinces experiencing or under the control of Daash gangs military operations as well as the continued decline in selling global oil prices to the lowest of the levels that have been adopted in the state budget for 2015.

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq Empty Re: Economic Adviser: openness and broad international support for Iraq

    Post by sassy Sun 20 Sep 2015, 10:19 am

    Nice!!!!! duck

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