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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington lifted the number of troops in Iraq to 3,870 troops

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Washington lifted the number of troops in Iraq to 3,870 troops Empty Washington lifted the number of troops in Iraq to 3,870 troops

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 9:32 am

    [size=32]Washington lifted the number of troops in Iraq to 3,870 troops

    February 4, 201


    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Nur News / Agencies 

    Said the French news agency, said Thursday that the Pentagon has decided to increase the number of troops in Iraq.

    The Pentagon announced the agency said on Thursday that the United States has increased many of its troops in Iraq to 3,870 soldiers to strengthen the training and providing advice and guidance to Iraqi forces in their war against the state regulation tasks.

    The last number announced by the Pentagon to the number of soldiers in Iraq is 3,500, which means that the United States has sent an additional 370 soldiers since then.

    The announcement comes after the decision to increase the US administration last fall in strengthening its operations in Iraq and Syria.

    It is likely that Washington continues to send more troops to Iraq, noting that the actual number of its troops deployed in this country more than "a few hundred" for the 3870 soldiers ceiling, so that the soldier, who served for less than 120 days are not counted in the census, according to the Pentagon . In the words of the French news agency.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Washington lifted the number of troops in Iraq to 3,870 troops Empty Pentagon: Send 370 additional US soldiers to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 9:54 am


    Pentagon: Send 370 additional US soldiers to Iraq

    [ltr][rtl]History of edits:: 2016/2/4 13:32 • 105[/rtl] [rtl]visits readable[/rtl][/ltr]
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    Announced that the US Department of Defense [Pentagon] on Wednesday that the United States has increased many of its troops in Iraq to 3,870 soldiers, to strengthen the training tasks and providing advice and guidance to Iraqi forces in its war against al Daash.

    The United States sent an additional 370 troops to Iraq, and it was the last number announced by the Pentagon is 3,500 troops, limited to duties in training and providing advice and assistance, but they do not take a direct part in the fighting. 
    The announcement comes after the decision to increase the US administration last fall, strengthen its operations in Iraq and Syria. 
    And is currently circulating in northern Syria up to 50 component of the US Special Forces, their mission coordination between the international coalition that led their country against Daash and between the armed opposition groups, and to prepare for a possible attack on the tenderness, the stronghold of the organization. 
    US officials reported that "these soldiers need to assign the other soldiers are currently deployed in Iraq." 
    On the other hand, Washington deployed in northern Iraq in recent weeks, a new unit of special forces to participate in raids aimed at capturing or killing the leaders of the organization. 
    The Pentagon said it is likely that Washington continues to send more troops to Iraq, noting that the actual number of troops deployed in the country for more than a few hundred ceiling Al3870 Jendaa.anthy 

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