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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Congress: there is no justification for delaying the adoption of the Law of infrastructure

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    Congress: there is no justification for delaying the adoption of the Law of infrastructure   Empty Congress: there is no justification for delaying the adoption of the Law of infrastructure

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Apr 2013, 7:27 am

    Congress: there is no justification for delaying the adoption of the Law of infrastructure

    04/17/2013 08:51
    Congress attributed the delay legislation, many of the laws to the triangle «mood, selectivity and political differences, and have expressed surprise at some of the fear to pass a law infrastructure, especially that it is important laws that serve the Iraqi people.

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called on Monday in a press statement, to pass the infrastructure provided by the Iraqi government to the parliament were disabled, indicating that it is not a project person, but project the nation and the state, arguing that the approval will ensure that solve many of the country's problems, including the problem of large deficits in the residential units and the lack of schools.

    Attorney Jawad Albzona that there is disagreement on all laws that recognize that the subject does not respect the law of the infrastructure first only the fact that the dispute is a political dispute hampering approve all laws because every point you want to pass laws that serve their interest.

    He reported Albzona's »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network», that «there is a problem hindering approval of all laws in the parliament because of the mood and selective in approving laws, as well as some political blocs do not want to pass laws in order to continue the sectarian tension or in order to justify something in itself ».

    The MP added that while rejects some of the blocks to pass this law attributed the refusal to the government's failure to take advantage of the money the simple completion of projects that did not exceed rates of disbursement of funds allocated to them 50 percent, government justifies its part this matter that the law allows big companies work on credit and on the back the failure of ministries and local governments in the completion of projects and the lack of local capacity to implement various infrastructure.

    The Albzona believe that this is best for Iraq, especially with the presence of corruption, which does not allow the completion of projects.

    And on the importance of this law in the case of approval, said Rep. «The country needs a lot of projects كالدور and schools, sewage and sanitation, which we can not yet find a solution to these requirements, which is the basic needs of citizens, so the commissioning major companies for the completion of these projects that receive their funds after completion is ordered save us from many problems usually accompany the delivery of the money before starting projects such as corruption and delays in delivery and other things that we've seen a lot during the previous years and if these companies did not hand over projects, we will not lose anything because we did not pay originally.

    The MP pointed to the possibility of passing this law, a majority, especially as the rule of law with the National Alliance able to do so if it can not persuade the Sadrist movement and the Kurdistan Alliance, provided, however, passed with other laws in one basket with the general amnesty law and the law of accountability and justice if it can not pass a law infrastructure alone.

    For his part, attributed MP Abdul Khader Tahir delay in approving this law to «mentalities prevailing in the middle of the Iraqi political» all walks of life are that impede the construction and investment is that kept Iraq quo, as he put it. Between MP in an interview »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network »that» the importance of passing a law infrastructure lies in its ability to advance the construction and reconstruction forward », noting that there is no corruption in this law so worried about him some, especially as the projects will be given to companies sober, which in turn would end its work after finishing the work of the government and perhaps the next government, so I do not think that there is power in the government or planned until after the two sessions to benefit from this law.

    And the reasons for the delay approval of the law, Tahir said he «of the reasons for the delay that the Kurds have an opinion on this law and some parties of the Iraqi List, were معرقلين of this law, as well as the parties in the National Alliance itself, which belongs to him by the Prime Minister were not welcoming by passing this law».

    The MP said the questions that have been raised about this law and inquiring about Iraq's need to borrow $ 35 billion at a time of convergence of the country's budget this figure investment as well as being sufficient to promote the reality service to the country.

    The MP stressed that independent MPs will give their voice to this law, will the effort required of them to pay national laws so they do not want Iraq to remain behind, noting that the bloc of Prime Minister with the National Alliance can pass if they were united.

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