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    April 30 happened .. hungry mob revolution or anarchy?

    Admin Assist
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    April 30 happened .. hungry mob revolution or anarchy? Empty April 30 happened .. hungry mob revolution or anarchy?

    Post by Rocky Sat 14 May 2016, 3:29 am

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    April 30 happened .. hungry mob revolution or anarchy?

     D.kasem Hussein Saleh 

    Numerous political analyzes and observers on storming demonstrators walls of the Green Zone and the occupation of the Iraqi parliament building and into the Cabinet headquarters and tampering Ver.vmenhm from the description of the event as a historic turning point in the Iraqi political process, from whom he described as a revolution hungry, while others that what happened on 30 April similarly said what happened in (April 9, 2003) , where looting mobs Ath.ovi property the night described represented the European Union that are now underway in Baghdad is ariot and that the European countries tosupport the Iraqi government headed by Mr. Abadi, and before that was a support frank from America with the support of the three presidencies in Iraq .    what happened in theApril 30 falls within the concept of protest collective, which is a global phenomenon busy with psychology and political sociologists to analyze the causes and goals and classified them into two types: demagogue rebellion ( the concept of Le Bon) for the deprived fall at the bottom of the economic pyramid of the society, and political protest by members of the various layers and social groups feel Balmazlomah and lack of social justice, and concluded that the main reason for the people of political protest was caused by a sense of Balehiv, deprivation and injustice and waste of human dignity and a sense of Ballamany and alienation, a sense of hopelessness of the reform of the case.  in Alarac..kan course much worse, the demonstrations first in more neighborhoods began Baghdad hit by rain, in February 2011, where the Liberation Square witnessed a demonstration to demand better services and reform Alssayas..amtdt later to the number of Mahafezat..ndjem about two things: the government 's security measures led to the repression of those demonstrations, and give Mr. Nuri al - Maliki , the prime minister in his government The second promise better services through a hundred Aom..lm Infzh.ovi December 2012 saw the western provinces demonstrations and sit - ins described by Prime Minister Nouri al - Maliki as (bubbles). The head of government and was surprised that the bubbles (Sunni winter) may Jobtha (bubbles) Shiite summer in July 2013 starting with the demonstrations of Basra and Dhi Qar, claim the provision ofelectricity in the heat became ass when urinating blood mean Iraqis, which was irrepressible, to demonstrations railway claim regardless workers their salaries, to Amtdadtha for PET demonstrations villages and towns of central and southern provinces.   the Iraqis are then divided among the deprived say: our patience on our rulers Fastdafona and humiliated us, and Adtrona that the revolt on the reality , we were in it are growing misery and suffering they are getting a luxury and corruption, and the neutral divided between sympathizers and critics and Chamtin ( and tricks and Aahm because his main concern Gabohem). asAovernmh..vkan of them is a ribald, as minister of electricity , which attributed the interruption to the Iraqis lit heaters with its water that needs to be cooled from the intensity of the sun 's heat, and including adescription of the demonstrations that (is masterminded at night). . What means that those responsible for it (accused .. conspirators ..) intent to carry out their crime in the morning against the legitimate authority. and stopped the demonstrations in 2014 after the fall of Mosul on the night of 9/10 June in hours , however ,militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Daash) the blood of 5,500 Iraqis have only shed in thefirst six months of it! the same year . in the new Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has vowed that he will eliminate the corruption and corrupt including (whales), and said in Karbala as a past to do so even if it cost him is life ( they want to kill me .. I care), and received a timely reference , supported the people, and demonstrations took place carrying banners (delegate) people to Mr. Abadi, was an opportunity for him if he abandoned his party and sided with the people and the reference to go down in history as a hero and anational savior, but he fell under pressure from his party (invitation) and heads Alssayash..okhzl people blocs and the reference which was forced to distance itself (after Bh her ​​voice.)  in August 2015 demonstrations returned in the capital Baghdad and central and southern provinces to raise the ceiling of demands , this time for an end to sectarian quotas and to hold corrupt and the formation of a government of technocrats and money back stolen and smuggled abroad , estimated by some sources at more than two hundred billion Dolar.ccant those demonstrations had begun Baalmanyen and civilians , and then joined the Sadrists numbers described as Mleonih.okint lived a full day (Friday March 2016) in the biggest demonstration in Baghdad, and participated with the communists and civilian demonstrators in Tahrir Square, and crossed with the Sadrists Sinak bridge to the green Zone within the crowds of mass her first and do not have Akhr..tbatha sit - ins were updated by audacious entry of Mr. Muqtada al - Sadr 's green Zone and Aatsamh Viha.okan demand thepresident is the formation of a government of technocrats and the elimination of sectarian quotas and thedominance of the heads of blocs political (7 people in their hand things country!) .. was procrastination Mtsourin that the patience of Iraqis Daf.oodrick people the seven authority may (Astvkethm), and the three presidencies laugh them Mstqoah security Bakuaha and agreement of US Iranian to the survival of the political situation as it is.  The legal entity, Mr. Muqtada al - Sadr found that this procrastination means indifference tohim and he (sarcasm) political Menh.olonh said he was a representative of the people and his servant, he carried out his threats to occupy the green Zone , which was envisioned by (seven adults) it 's an illusion in the mind of a young man is politically immature. . Without his followers to understand that disgruntled impatient, and that there is a civil and secular forces represent a vanquished people pretending to five years and underestimate the power mean it is not true that the April 30 event attributed to the Sadrists alone, is not correct to attribute what is the actions ( rowdy) to civilian demonstrators because they arecivilized and chanting (yes , yes to Iraq), nor for Sdran because they are committed to the instructions of their leader, they are the actions you get from undisciplined individuals, hungry , angry, and that of the psychology of emotion in the protest collective he intensifies and leads to the creation of individual acts of revenge cures Glèlè who Adthdoh and Ozloh and insulted him.  With all that has occurred, the three presidencies and theheads of political blocs met the next day (May 1) not to agree on a solution to the crisis, but to condemn what he had done demonstrators and to demand the prosecution of the parliament building came to Alaadalh.ouselavh Hola they are demanding sue from a broken chair in the House of Representatives, and demanded the prosecution of corrupt stole billions of dollars!     the most important what has been achieved so far in the event (April 30) is the legal gains and psychology can be summarized as follows: • escape ofpeople 's Congress of the people! .. in shameful scenes and paradox very ironic regain the Iraqi memory escape (peers) system administrators April also! • restore people to be considered, humiliated the humiliated and insulted insulted him and missed his dignity. • fall prestige practically thegovernment after it was lifted a legal entity. • Dare people to State and break the barrier of fear and foster aspirit of challenge to the spectators or observers of what is happening. the remaining political demands, starting with the formation of a government of technocrats and to hold corrupt and end Ptomyin services and life Karimh..marhun achieved by three forces: the stability of the demonstrators from the Sadrists and civilian forces on their position and work to attract more the masses of disadvantaged and educated, and to act responsibly and cheering unified slogan (yes , yes to Iraq), and the international situation ( the united States and Iran and Britain in particular) chock political situation fragile and stuck in the mud, and agree heads ofpolitical blocs to respond to the people to end the quota system on the new alternative malignant is (interests) transient agree sectarianism !.
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