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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 May 2013, 7:17 am

    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs with Kuwait

    BAGHDAD / obelisk: An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait closing the file maintenance of border markers between the two countries, after the approval of the UN Security Council on a proposal to transfer funds deposited by Kuwait to the United Nations Fund to compensate Iraqi farmers, to the Iraqi government, as part of the maintenance of border markers between the two countries.

    The source said that “a positive step in the interest of good bilateral relations.”

    The UN Security Council agreed Thursday on a proposal “to transfer funds deposited by the State of Kuwait to the United Nations Fund to compensate Iraqi farmers to the Iraqi government as part of the maintenance process marks the border between the two countries.”

    The Council approved the proposal of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, “the conclusion of an agreement with Iraq in order to transform Kuwait earmarked funds to compensate Iraqi farmers to the Iraqi government, which in turn will distribute them to the beneficiaries.”

    And Ban Ki-moon told the Security Council in a letter that “taking into account the Iraqi requests to transfer funds and the fact that Kuwait has not raised any objection, I intend to deal with Iraq, under which the UN would transfer the money contained in the fund for the Iraqi government.”

    He did not specify history Ban Ki-moon to transfer the money, but said that the Iraqi government would take “full responsibility for identifying beneficiaries and report the size of the compensation paid to each beneficiary and the distribution of the corresponding amounts.”

    “The agreement will require the Iraqi government to let me know on a regular basis the progress made ​​in the identification of beneficiaries and the process of paying them the money and let me know the end of the process.”

    The Kuwaiti official revealed on Friday that “the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak to Baghdad, still exist, but the time has not yet determined, denying at the same time the health of the rumors about the cancellation.”

    For his part, said Director of Coordination and Follow the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait Ambassador Khaled Moghames “It will be the formation of a joint committee between Kuwait and Iraq to follow the maintenance of border markers in the future, pointing out that it emerges in accordance with arrangements border based on resolution 833 on the demarcation of the border between the two countries,” he added, “This Technical Committee will work, away from the complex routines, to repair any defect in the border markers in the future. “

    The Kuwait and Iraq may Tota yesterday one of the outstanding issues between them, after the approval of the UN Security Council on the proposal of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to conclude an agreement with Iraq to transfer funds Kuwaiti allocated to compensate Iraqi farmers to the Iraqi government, to distribute turn to the beneficiaries.
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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Re: Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 May 2013, 12:32 pm

    Iraq and the United Nations sign an agreement to compensate the victims of the demarcation of the border with Kuwait

    Editor: RS
    26/05/2013 18:03

    Range Press / Baghdad

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, on Sunday, the signing of an agreement with the United Nations, to deliver the amount of damages assessed by the Security Council to farmers whose farms damaged as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait.

    The Foreign Ministry said in a statement received (range Press) that "Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari signed with Martin Kobler Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of UNAMI in Iraq, the extradition agreement the amount of damages assessed by the Security Council in its resolution No. 899 of 1994 to compensate Iraqi farmers whose farms have been affected as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait during the period 1991 - 1994. "

    The statement added that "This will be followed soon be another step to build a modern residential city of Umm Qasr for housing the Iraqi families affected for the same reason."

    And declared the Iraqi Council of Ministers, on 04/07/2013, compensate the victims of the decision of the demarcation of the border with Kuwait in the province of Basra, 240 million Iraqi dinars, the disposal of the emergency budget for the current year 2013.

    The source revealed border guards of Iraq, on the seventh of March, 2013, for a meeting between the Iraqi border guards and Kuwaiti Committee of the United Nations to study the implementation of the agreements between the governments of the two countries to demarcate the new borders between them, stressing that there are 250 houses inhabited by Iraqis in Umm Qasr will be cleared of its population and turn the territory to Kuwait's sovereignty, according to those agreements, while the local government of Basra expressed displeasure "to force Iraq to give up its territory.

    The area has seen the border between Iraq and Kuwait in early March 2013, demonstrations carried out by residents of Umm Qasr in protest against the construction of the pipe line between the two countries, and threatened with exposure to Kuwaitis in the event of continuing built, also called on Congress Basra in the Iraqi parliament on March 12, 2013, the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait, and the United Nations off the new demarcation of the border procedures and rejected annexation of the oil wells in the region to the Kuwaiti sovereignty until reaching a solution satisfactory to both parties and reconsider the agreement signed by the previous regime with Kuwait.

    However, the response of Kuwait on these calls came on the same day, via a complaint filed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, the United Nations and the Government of Iraq crossed it all "displeasure" of events that came out of Citizens and Iraqi officials near the border with Iraq, and confirmed that it handed over the government Iraq issued a statement protesting the "work irresponsible" witnessed in the region, and demanded that the Iraqi government empowering the difference border of the performance of its service "for the benefit of Iraq", expressing the readiness of Kuwait to cooperate with "neutral party" to assess the situation in the file ports Mubarak of Kuwait and the FAO in Iraq.

    The UN Security Council issued a year (1993) Resolution No. (833) which provides for the demarcation of the border between Kuwait and Iraq, and the extended length (about 216 km), and the application of the decision in part by the former regime to the deduction of large swathes of Iraqi territory and annexed to land Kuwaiti territory included in the Safwan area and in Umm Qasr area since the mid-nineties became a whole within the limits of the State of Kuwait.

    He objected to a lot of Iraqi officials after the fall of the former regime in 2003 to complete the procedures for the demarcation of the land border between the two countries in accordance with Resolution No. 833, considering that the decision imposed on Iraq under international pressure and in unusual circumstances.

    In 2005, dozens of people attacked my part of Safwan and Umm Qasr foreign company was responsible for pipeline land border demarcation, the protests have led thrust of the bombing of the following mortar to stop work on the project before completion.
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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Re: Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 May 2013, 12:41 pm

    Iraq and the United Nations Convention Lieberman delivery amounts of compensation for farmers in Iraq as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait

    Sunday, May 26 / May 2013 19:37 | | |

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} struck the Iraqi Foreign Ministry with the United Nations Convention on the delivery of the amount of damages assessed by the Security Council to compensate Iraqi farmers as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait.

    A statement by the Information Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by the agency {Euphrates News} copy of it today, "The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Hoshyar Zebari signed with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of UNAMI in Iraq, Martin Kobler on the extradition agreement the amount of damages assessed by the Security Council in its resolution No. 899 for the year 1994 to compensate Iraqi farmers whose farms have been affected as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait during the period 1991 - 1994. "

    The Organization of the United Nations in Iraq has announced resolving the issue of the demarcation of the land border between Iraq and Kuwait.

    He said Kubler during a joint press conference, held in Basra with their portfolios in the 28 of March last year that "the problem that was hampering resolve the issue of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, Iraq was able to be resolved," explaining that "it is difficult to leave the families to their homes which were live, but they sacrificed for the sake of Iraq, and facilitated it out of Chapter VII. "

    For his part, the governor of Basra pointed out that "the demolition of three houses in the Umm Qasr area means resolving the issue of the demarcation of the land border between the two countries, in the light of hope from the United Nations to expedite remove Iraq from Chapter VII."

    The UN Security Council issued in 1993, Resolution No. 833 which provides for the demarcation of the border between Kuwait and Iraq, and the extended length of about 216 km, and the application of the decision in part based on the decisions of the agreement "tent Safwan" concluded in the year 1991 to carve large swathes of Iraqi territory and annexed to Kuwaiti territory.

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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Re: Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by mbryan Sun 26 May 2013, 1:59 pm

    and facilitated it out of Chapter VII,in the light of hope from the United Nations to expedite remove Iraq from Chapter VII.", resolve the issue of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, Iraq was able to be resolved. It looks all done so whats the hold up?
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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Zebari, Kobler sign agreement on compensating Iraq farmers' losses from border demarcation with Kuwa

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 26 May 2013, 4:16 pm

    Zebari, Kobler sign agreement on compensating Iraq farmers' losses from border demarcation with Kuwait

    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit 350521_Med

    26/05/2013 21:20:00

    Baghdad (NINA) – Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, and The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Martin Kobler signed on Sunday, May 26, agreement to compensate Iraqi farmers for their losses resulting from border demarcation between Iraq and Kuwait.

    In a statement to the press the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Zebari and Kobler signed agreement to pay compensations decided by the Security Council's Resolution No. 899 for the year 1994 to compensate Iraqi farmers who lost as a result from borders demarcation between Iraq and Kuwait in the period 1991-1994.

    It added that other steps to be adopted soon to build modern houses in Um Qasr for the families who suffered because of the demarcation.

    The Security Council passed Resolution 833 for the year 1993 demarking the 216 km long Iraq-Kuwait borders. Recently the SC agreed on a suggesting to divert the funds deposited by Kuwait in the UN Fund to Compensate Iraqi Farmers to the Iraqi government who is to distribute them among farmers.

    The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, informed the Security Council that because of Iraqi demands and since Kuwait did not objected, he intends to sign an agreement with the Iraqi government in which the UN will give the Fund's money to the Iraqi government./ End.

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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Re: Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 26 May 2013, 4:18 pm

    Baghdad, UN sign compensation deal to Iraqi farmers

    BAGHDAD, May 26 (KUNA) -- Baghdad and the UN signed an agreement Sunday to compensate Iraqi farmers in the south of the country, part of maintenance of border signs between Kuwait and Iraq.

    Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari signed the agreement with UN Secretary General Special Representative to Iraq Martin Kobler, according to which compensations set by the UN Security Council (UNSC) would be paid for the Iraqi farmers.

    The agreement is within operations of maintenance of border signs between Iraq and Kuwait.

    The agreement is in line with compensations set by UNSC resolutions 899 of 1994 to compensate Iraqi farmers whose farms were affected by the border demarcation between Iraq and Kuwait between 1991-1994, the Iraqi foreign ministry said in a statement.

    The agreement, it added, "will be directly followed by other steps to build a modern city in Umm Qasr for Iraqi families who were affected by the same (demarcation) reason."Zebari had sent a letter to his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah today over Iraq's compliance with its international obligations to exit from Chapter VII of the UN Charter, said the statement.

    UNSC announced its approval last week to transfer, to Iraqi government, money deposited by the State of Kuwait to the UN Fund to compensate Iraqi farmers.

    Iraq has been under Chapter VII of the UN Charter since the former regime's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Iraq has been paying compensations for the Kuwaiti government and people for damages caused by the invading Iraqi forces. (end)
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    Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit Empty Re: Convert farmers compensation to the Iraqi government closes the file maintenance of border signs wit

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 26 May 2013, 4:34 pm

    Zebari, Kobler sign the agreement to compensate farmers whose farms have been affected as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait

    Iraq has signed and the United Nations, on Sunday, an agreement to compensate Iraqi farmers whose farms have been affected as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait.

    The Foreign Ministry statement received news agency public opinion a copy of it: The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Hoshyar Zebari, signed this day, with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of UNAMI in Iraq, Martin Kobler, the extradition agreement the amount of damages assessed by the Security Council in its resolution No. 899 for the year 1994 to compensate Iraqi farmers whose farms have been affected as a result of the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait during the period 1991 - 1994, and will be followed soon another step to build a modern residential city of Umm Qasr for housing the Iraqi families affected for the same reason

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