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    Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities Empty Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Sep 2016, 2:33 am

    [ltr]Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities[/ltr]

     Since 09/04/2016 19:32 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]BAGHDAD - balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]The face of Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces, Haider al-Abadi, Sunday, Joint Special Operations Command inventory and directed warehouses, stores and ammunition plants manufactured outside the cities and control.[/ltr]
    [ltr]According to a brief statement to the Office of Abadi it received / balances News / copy of it, that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi face of the Joint Special Operations Command inventory and directed by warehouses and stores ammunition and plants manufactured outside the cities and control within the camps in Baghdad and the provinces and take advantage of warehouses and military warehouses and stores of the Ministry of Interior."[/ltr]
    [ltr]And exploded store weapons and missiles, last Friday, in the east of the capital Baghdad, al-Obeidi district, after it was set on fire in it, which led to blowing more than 30 Sarouha the Virgin neighborhood and the martyrdom and wounding dozens, ended up 29/33 h[/ltr]

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    Admin Assist
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    Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities Empty Abadi directs the removal of arms depots outside the capital

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Sep 2016, 3:27 am

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    Abadi directs the removal of arms depots outside the capital

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    The face of the Commander in Chief of theArmed Forces , Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi, Sunday, Joint Special Operations Command inventory and directed bywarehouses and stores ammunition and plants manufactured outside the cities, as called for control of the capital Baghdad , camps and the rest of the provinces. 
    A statement by the Information Office of the Prime Minister received (range Press) , a copy of it, that " thegeneral commander of the armed forces , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi face, today 's joint Specialoperations command inventory and directed warehouses, stores and ammunition plants manufactured outside the cities and control within the camps in Baghdad and the provinces." Abadi called to "take advantage of warehouses and military warehouses and stores of the Ministry of the Interior." 
    The Baghdad Operations Command, announced on Friday, that a number of people were injured when aroadside amassed materiel in Obeidi district, east of Baghdad, while confirming control Moagaf.okan governor of Baghdad , Ali Tamimi had demanded, on Saturday, the prime minister to "prevent" any armed faction belongs to popular crowd of storing weapons inside Madn.oukal Tamimi Office, in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, " the governor of Baghdad , called for the prime minister and the crowd popular prevent any armed faction belongs to the popular crowd of storing weapons inside the cities. " 
    The statement pointed out that the face of al - Tamimi send compensation committees to take stock of thephysical damage caused by the explosion of ordnance repository. The statement quoted the governor warning "of a repeat of this incident in the future."
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    Admin Assist
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    Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities Empty Street awaits response on the popular crowd-Abadi decision on arms stores

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Sep 2016, 3:47 am

    [ltr]Street awaits response on the popular crowd-Abadi decision on arms stores[/ltr]

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    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press -5 September / September: Atertqub Iraqi street reaction which will be released on the "popular crowd" on the decision ofIraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi judge emptied the capital Baghdad and other cities of thearmory, which was issued following the explosions rocked central Baghdad, a few days ago, and led of casualties and the destruction of many properties.

    He ordered Haider al - Abadi, yesterday Allohd, army commanders empty the capital Baghdad and other cities in the provinces of stores and warehouses of weapons, against the backdrop of anexplosion incident arms depot in eastern Baghdad yesterday.

    Observers are wondering about the possibility of the popular crowd 's commitment to these instructions, especially as he did not issue any official statement or comment from theleaders of the crowd, so far, the Prime Minister 's decision.

    According to a statement issued by his office face Abadi Joint Special Operations Command inventory and directed bywarehouses and stores equipment and plants manufactured outside the cities, and take advantage of military stores, warehouses and stores of the Ministry of the Interior. "

    And Taleb Ali Tamimi , the governor of the Iraqi capital, on Sunday, the Federal government to prevent factions "popular crowd" of weapons and gear stored inside the cities, after the explosion of a weapons depot belonging to a last resort , east ofBaghdad, yesterday.

    Commenting on the decision, Alexander and Tut member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament , said that " the capital Baghdad and city centers empty of weapons and ammunition depots made ​​enforceable to everyone , including factions of the popular crowd."

    Tut and added that " the presence of weapons caches inside the residential areas is unacceptable, they need special storage conditions, can not be provided within the cities."

    And on Saturday, missiles warehouse and weapons burst belonging to a faction of "popular crowd", in the east of Baghdad , alObeidi area, causing the launch of a number of "Katyusha" rockets, which inflicted casualties among civilians, as well asextensive damage to homes and property Alskan.anthy ( 1)

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    Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities Empty Re: Abadi directs the joint operations and inventory output ammunition stores outside the cities

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