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    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke)


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    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) Empty Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke)

    Post by Lobo Fri 16 Sep 2016, 4:57 pm

    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke)
    Posted by Matthew Bernstein | Sep 15, 2016 | Liberal Corruption

    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) Obama-laughing-chair
    He Is Literally Laughing At Your Constitutional Rights
    Anyone who has studied the First Amendment knows that it guarantees five rights. They are Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom to Petition, and Freedom of religion. Under the Constitution of the United States, every United States citizen is guaranteed these rights.
    However it appears that President Obama is doing what he can to undermine that rule. The Obama administration’s Commission on Civil Rights has just released a report that would lay out the ground rules to actually persecute Christians in the United States. So basically Obama is doing what he can to turn the United States into a Muslim country.
    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) 207793_obama-shush-1
    President Obama Is Doing What He Can To Undermine A Constitutional Right
    The report was entitled, “Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Liberties,” says that the free exercise of religion is an excuse for bigots and racists to get away with discrimination. Hold that thought. The fact that this group says that someone who wants to practice Christianity or Judaism is just another way for them to be racist is flat out disturbing.
    It seems that everything that someone does that is protected by the Constitution of the United States is suddenly wrong. “The phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ … remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance.” That was from Martin Castro, the chairman of the commission.

    “Today, as in the past, religion is being used as both a weapon and a shield by those seeking to deny others equality … This generation of American must stand up and speak out to ensure that religion never again be twisted to deny others the full promise of America.”
    Except there is one problem with that. They are literally undermining the First Amendment. By saying that this report would be able to persecute Christians merely practicing their religion would go against the First Amendment.
    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) Bill-Of-Rights
    The First Amendment Is In The Constitution And That Gives Every Citizen Certain Rights That Cannot Be Taken Away
    From Wikipedia: “Freedom of religion or freedom of belief is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. It also includes the freedom to change one’s religion or belief.”
    “Freedom of religion is considered by many people and nations to be a fundamental human right. In a country with a state religion, freedom of religion is generally considered to mean that the government permits religious practice of other sects besides the state religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths.”
    So even though the United States Constitution gives people the freedom to practice whatever religion they want, the Obama administration wants to persecute them on the grounds that they are trying to get away with discrimination.
    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) 9_5_2014_b3-jacob-cutting-th8201
    Obama Continues To Try And Destroy Our Constitution
    Peter Kirsanow, a member of the commission, spoke down on this new report. “This report will be used to inform government at every level … as to how to approach any kind of issues related to religious liberty and nondiscrimination.” In short, the report is going to give guidelines on how to strip Americans of their right to practice religion.
    Even before this report came out there were people that were having their religious freedoms taken away. Just last year, in 2015, a Mississippi High School marching band was forbidden to perform a halftime show that would have featured a Christian hymn.
    That doesn’t even include the Christians who operate as bakers, photographers, venue managers, etc. who have been fined or brought in front of a judge because they didn’t want to violate their religious beliefs.
    Basically what this report is going to do is forbid people from using their religion as an excuse for why they don’t want to do something. Guess what? That is not right in the slightest.
    Obama thinks that you can’t use your Constitutional right of Freedom of religion to practice whatever you want. Because he doesn’t believe that, he is going to do whatever he can to make sure that that right is undermined. You can see all the evidence in this report right here.
    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) Obama-shrug_new-1
    This Report Shows That Obama Doesn’t Seem To Care About The Constitution
    Kirsanow gave a grave warning. “It’s already happening, but this gives greater impetus and more fodder to those who would make religious freedom secondary to principles of nondiscrimination.”
    This is just the first step in taking away freedom of religion. If you can’t practice the religion that you want, then it’s another way for the government to control what you do.
    “The slippery slope has turned into a cliff. You take the logical outcome of these things. We’ve seen the future already and it’s coming very rapidly. There’s a fairly significant effort to suppress or subordinate religious practices and religious beliefs in service of a broader agenda.”
    We might not know exactly what President Obama wants to do, but the facts are clear; he doesn’t want you practicing the religion of your choice. He may attempt to give the United States a mandated religion. And if they are going to persecute Christians, then what big time religion is left? That would be Islam.
    Obama Literally Now Placing A Ban On Christianity (No, This Is NOT A Joke) Isis-obama-shhhhhh-800x450
    If People Can’t Practice Christianity, Then What Are They Supposed To Practice? Islam?
    It seems that Obama is doing a lot to try and stop people from practicing Christianity. After all he wouldn’t have had his administration come up with this report if it were different in any way.
    Share this article to show that the Obama administration is doing what it can to suppress your freedom of religion. They say that they want to protect everyone else from this; despite the fact that the Constitution allows people to practice whatever religion they want.
    Donald Trump won’t try and step on your religious freedoms. He isn’t going to create a report that would do what it could to undermine the Constitution. So go out and vote for Trump, the person that still believes in the Constitution.

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 5:08 am