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    Abadi, a number of journalists and analysts: Iraqis on a date with a new phase after Daesh

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi, a number of journalists and analysts: Iraqis on a date with a new phase after Daesh Empty Abadi, a number of journalists and analysts: Iraqis on a date with a new phase after Daesh

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Oct 2016, 2:00 am

    [ltr]Abadi, a number of journalists and analysts: Iraqis on a date with a new phase after Daesh[/ltr]

     Since 10/16/2016 20:49 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]

    [ltr]BAGHDAD - balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Sunday, that the Iraqis are on a date with a new phase after the liberation of the entire Iraqi territory this year, adding that the victory entire cities and edit become the king of the hand.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He said Abadi, during a meeting with a number of journalists and political analysts, according to a statement, move information office received / balances News / copy of it, that "victory stake all Iraqis and we are working to restore stability and services to cities liberated," noting that "these victories achieved in the light of the economic distress." .[/ltr]
    [ltr]He said al-Abadi, said that "the Iraqis on a date with a new phase after the liberation of the entire Iraqi territory this year," he said, adding that "two years ago we were fighting Daesh on the outskirts of Baghdad, and today we are on the outskirts of Mosul, to edit and defeated Daesh and broken the will and propaganda real victories on the ground."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Abadi said, "it was raising the slogan of the year 2016 liberation has been achieved and we raised the slogan of the possibility of Daesh in Iraq, here is achieved," noting that "victory entire cities and edit become the king of the hand."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He noted that "we have succeeded in ending Daesh in Iraq citizens' cooperation with the military forces," pointing out that "the most important achievement of this government is to liberate the Iraqi lands and cities."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Abadi said, "The government has given the fight against Daesh priority and the vision was clear from the very beginning and we are now close to the liberation of Mosul and Snfaji enemy and Mosul will return to the bosom of the nation."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added that "we are fighting these days comma and multiple battles at the same time on several fronts from Kirkuk to Ramadi and Mosul," explaining that "usurped areas Istnjdon sons of the Iraqi forces and the development of cooperation between citizens and security services."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He called Al-Abbadi sister said countries "stand with Iraq while in violation of its national sovereignty," adding that "the only Iraqi troops are on the ground which is the liberation of the cities and there is no any foreign military force on the land of Iraq and challenged the Turkish side to prove that we are asked to send a military force."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He argued that "the security services and our face snapped more vigilant in protecting civilians," useful "The participation of any Iraqi force from the army, the police and the crowd determined by the popular commander of the armed forces and the requirements of the battle."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He praised the "unified national position of political activists in the communication and Alaalamin sites, a position worthy of recognition," warning that "Daesh resort broadcasting rumors and must refute immediately" .anthy 29/33 h[/ltr]

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