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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Minister of Justice, the US ambassador: We have documented evidence against financiers Daesh in

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    The Minister of Justice, the US ambassador: We have documented evidence against financiers Daesh in  Empty The Minister of Justice, the US ambassador: We have documented evidence against financiers Daesh in

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Nov 2016, 4:57 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 57[ltr]  08/11/2016[/ltr]

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    The Minister of Justice Haider Zamili, the possession of the Ministry for evidence documented condemns financiers Daesh gangs of terror before the international court. 
    According to a statement to inform the ministry news agency Buratha received a copy of it, that Zamili "confirmed during a meeting in his office on Monday, US Ambassador Douglas Silliman and his accompanying delegation, said the ministry has taken it upon itself and through legal and humanitarian committees , the performance of national roles towards thecriminalization Daesh in front of local and international justice file, "calling for a" united stand of the international community to support the government in its quest to view the violations committed by the terrorist gangs against Iraqi issues. " 
    he noted Minister of Justice that " the ministry has had a major participation in the area of the criminalization of cartels Daesh since the first moment of entry into the country through the collection of live evidence on terrorism , crimes and documented for convicted and prosecuted locally and internationally." 
    said Zamili, "after the addition of the Ministry of Human tasks Human cancellations to the Ministry of Justice , as the body closest to the specialization, we started to form a central Commission for Human rights , headed by the Minister of Justice and within the membership of all government agencies and institutions chock her and competent in the field of human rights, "adding that" this committee has taken it upon themselves to write reports on crimes and violations committed against the citizens in the regions territories in general to take action. " 
    He added that" this committee began her duties apply the laws and decisions on human rights dossier and on the local and international axes, both related to the prison file andsocietal issues, in addition to its work in writing and document reports of abuse and crimes related to gangs Daesh in areas that have been liberated from the control of , and take depositions from witnesses about the crimes committed by these gangs. " 
    He said the Minister of Justice that" documented reports from the Ministry of Justice will provide the evidence necessary for the Iraqi cadas and internationally to condemn terrorism and financiers about the crimes committed against Iraqis, "pointing out that "the Ministry ofJustice has made significant accomplishing through its presence in the UN Human rights Council in Geneva, which we got through it President of the Council approval of the Iraq 'srequest for a seat on the Human rights Council, which would deliver our voice to this international forum on human rights file." in 
    turn, the ambassador said American Douglas Silliman, according to a statement of the Ministry of Justice that " the great role that brought him the Ministry of Justice in dealing with the file of human rights will contribute to the support directed the US government and European countries in front of international justice, in addition to the supplied evidence necessary to criminalize the organization Daesh terrorist globally." 
    according to the US ambassador, "that the international community seeks to be Iraq 'sparticipation essential in the prosecution and conviction of terrorism, through the presence of the Ministry of Justice and the presence of Iraqi law , along with the international laws and legislations to inflict the appropriate on terrorism and those supporting it sanctions," noting that " the international community is ready to provide the necessary support for Iraq in itswar on terror and re - displaced people to their areas liberated. "

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