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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: prevent the special grades receipt of additional salaries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: prevent the special grades receipt of additional salaries Empty Parliamentary Finance: prevent the special grades receipt of additional salaries

    Post by Rocky Mon 14 Nov 2016, 5:49 am

    Parliamentary Finance: prevent the special grades receipt of additional salaries
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    Sun, 13 Nov 2016 20:12:31

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    # Algmehorah_uz said a member of the parliamentary finance committee Hamadoun pros, if there was a proposal'll add it in the draft budget for next year, on the prevention of special grades of receiving salaries from the Bretton martyrs and prisoners Alssayastin. She explained Hamadoun, in a press statement that "the budget next year will include a legal clause prohibiting through which special grades of the degree of general manager of the owners and older to receive additional salaries of politicians such as salary Martyrs Foundation, the political prisoners." She said, "There are many political parties which object to the inventory process of receiving a salary arguing that that those persecuted politicians and suffered a lot in the previous period, so we decided an additional proposal of the Finance Committee to stop the descendants of political martyrs salaries and not from the rest of the family." Revealed the parliamentary finance committee member Majda al-Tamimi, for access to data confirm the receipt of government ministers and lawmakers and state officials on more than one salary at the same time.

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