BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq announced the Committee of the Regions and provinces Parliament, on Monday, refusing to cancel the council districts and areas in the provinces while suggesting it seeks to activate the decentralization Mahafezat.oukal Chairman of the Committee Soran Ismail , according to a statement of the Department of the media during a meeting with a number of members of the boards of districts, counties in the number of of provinces in the presence of members of the parliamentary committee: " the committee refuses Cancel boards of districts, counties , even if not conducted local council elections because the cancellation means retreat from decentralization and exceeded the legal rights that can not be overrun by" , stressing " the Commission 's readiness to provide solutions to the demands that they have made councilors and within the law, "stressing that" locked in decentralized Committee is seeking to activate the decentralization in the provinces . " for his part , the Messenger MP Abouhsnh that" local councils and districts, counties are the link between the citizen and the provincial council . " for his part , touched by the local council of Wasit province " the council is facing a number of problems in the districts, counties , especially in Wasit province , including the agriculture sector problems . " and members of district councils and respects their suffering, " and calling for " financial and moral Basthakhm, "explaining that" the work of local councils walking Resume efforts, emphasizing the lack of allocations financial and Anthreyh where, in addition to the local council employees are the placement of the provincial councils. "