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    Agreement parliamentary elections to pass a law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Agreement parliamentary elections to pass a law  Empty Agreement parliamentary elections to pass a law

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Jul 2013, 8:18 am

    Agreement parliamentary elections to pass a law


     Baghdad Shaima Rashid - Muhannad Abdul Wahab
    Revealed the Legal Committee of the House of Representatives and the existence of an agreement parliament to pass a new election law during the current parliamentary session to be adopted in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Confirmed committee member Janan in a statement ?Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network?, said its Committee will adopt a new law for elections in the next elections , especially since the old law contested and the Federal Court opinion thereon.

    She added that the Legal Committee did not agree yet on the consolidated version of the electoral law in the presence of multiple copies propounded by some political blocs, including the version put forward by the Kurdistan Alliance, which has been studied some of the material by the Legal Committee but did not reach agreement on raised for the first reading , as well as the version presented by the current Liberal to the Presidency, but did not arrive to the Legal Committee after. noted that blocs of the National Coalition and Iraqi forces in the House of Representatives They had declared a earlier submit proposals to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to amend the law on parliamentary elections, and confirmed that the most prominent of the adoption multi-constituency system, open the menu and the distribution of seats among the lists by what I got the list of sounds, as pointed out that the aim of the proposals is to prevent the 'responses' did feel injustice and marginalization.

    This means closed list system that provides political entity list Bmarchah and after ratification by the UNHCR and the end of the deadline for electoral lists and the coalition can not be political entity to change the order of names on the list and announce the winners of the candidates on the list according to the number of votes obtained by the entity and in numerical order contained down menu.

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