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    Jaafari warns the international community: «Daesh» threatens your future

    Admin Assist
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    Jaafari warns the international community: «Daesh» threatens your future Empty Jaafari warns the international community: «Daesh» threatens your future

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Apr 2017, 2:50 am

    Jaafari warns the international community: «Daesh» threatens your future

    4/26/2017 0:00

    He met with the Iranian and Chinese counterparts on the sidelines of a forum of civilizations
    Baghdad / morning
    He warned Foreign Minister Dr. Ibrahim al - Jaafari, of the seriousness of the threat of the organization «Daesh» terrorist civilization and the future of the countries of the whole world.
    This came during a speech at a forum Jaafari ancient civilizations held its work in the Greek capital of Athens, according to a statement of Foreign Affairs.
    The statement added that «our civilization today is threatened, contemporary and terrorism threatens the whole of civilization .. Iraq -oho cradle Elhoudarh- subjected to a state of sabotage by Aldoaash, and sabotage of psychic human, and the futility of intellectual identity, and try to defeat the heritage and cultural heritage .. What happened in the city of Mosul , and the city of Ur? .. How targeted Daesh, and tried to destroy it ? ».
    The «what the gangs Daesh today in Iraq is not targeted to Iraq, it is a target depth of civilization, targeting for the future of civilization, and the targeting of your countries; because they do not distinguish between one country and another», pointing out that «they want to assassinate culture .. everything is culture .. no building, a cultural edifice built only relied on culture, and the most dangerous enemy of the cultural enemy. » He called al - Jaafari said: «We have to intensify our efforts; to maintain the real civilization; and as long as civilization targeting human wants his service as a target, and evaluate new present on the basis of taking into account the rights of people must Nciaha, not limit ourselves to civil phenomena».
    He met Jaafari, on the sidelines of the International Forum, Iranian Mohammad Javad Zarif , his counterpart, and they reviewed, according to a separate statement , the Foreign Ministry « the most prominent issues of concern to Baghdad and Tehran, and ways of boosting them to serve the interests of the two neighboring peoples, as well as to discuss the evolution of the war against terrorist Daesh gangs, international efforts to support the security and stability of the region. »
    The statement said that » the two sides stressed the need to complete the demarcation of land borders in particular that this file has seen resolved 90 percent of it during the last period, emphasis was placed on the importance of cooperation in the completion of the common rivers file between the two countries; to solve the salinity problem afflicting Iraqi territory».
    For his part, Zarif stressed his country 's continued support for Iraq, and to provide the necessary supplies to eliminate terrorism, praising the great victories achieved by the Iraqis in their war against terrorist gangs Daesh.
    In the meantime, he confirmed the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, China 's keenness to preserve the independence, sovereignty and unity of the Iraqi territory and its support for Iraq 's efforts in the fight against terrorism.
    According to a statement issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, he noted «Wang Dr. Jaafari during a meeting on the sidelines of the International Forum as provided by Iraq from an important contribution to the international fight against terrorism, and stressed China 's readiness to continue to actively participate in the rebuilding of the Iraqi economy».
    He also praised the mutual relations between the two countries and the trust and the support of Iraq initiative « the belt and the road.»

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