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    France choose shifty president and Le Pen admits defeat

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    France choose shifty president and Le Pen admits defeat Empty France choose shifty president and Le Pen admits defeat

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 May 2017, 1:50 am

    France choose shifty president and Le Pen admits defeat

     Paris / AFP - Reuters

    He won the centrist candidate Emmanuel shifty on Sunday evening, President of the French Republic after beating his rival candidate far-right Marine Le Pen at a rate ranging between 65.5% of the vote, while the candidate extreme right approved Marine Le Pen defeat and congratulate shifty on the win under the chairmanship of France, losing becomes shifty (39-year-old ) the youngest president in the history of France achieved with a big win on the national front party candidate 48-year-old
    Prior to the closure of the polling stations in three hours and announce preliminary results, announced identical sources, on the eve of yesterday, the victory of the independent candidate Emmanuel shifty second round of French presidential elections by more than 60% of the vote, in front of Marine Le Pen, a candidate "National Front".
    Revealed Belgian and Swiss media sources that it was based on the results of a sample survey of the views of French voters, immediately after leaving the voting offices, pointing to the high percentage of votes canceled and white , without specifying the number.
    And Polling stations opened at eight am (0600 GMT) to close its doors at eight in the evening in the major cities and in the seventh others. Voters in some French overseas territories in the Americas and the Pacific had voted the day before yesterday.
    Shortly after the closure of polling stations, is expected to be published by local media forecast the final result , based on partial voting figures released by the Ministry of the Interior.
    The winning candidate will take over power formally from outgoing President Francois Hollande on the fourteenth day of this May.
    According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, the number of registered voters in France amounted to about 45.7 million voters, while entitled to some 1.3 million French citizen living abroad to vote in French embassies.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 11:07 pm