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    Security forces and win .. «Daash» admits defeat

    Admin Assist
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    Security forces and win .. «Daash» admits defeat Empty Security forces and win .. «Daash» admits defeat

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Oct 2014, 5:39 am

    Security forces and win .. «Daash» admits defeat

    Heroes of Iraq liberate rock cliff 
    BAGHDAD - morning - Tariq al-Araji Baquba - Nabil al-Shammari 
    added the security forces, the army, police and the sons of popular mobilization, another victory to its record of trophies, when I managed to purge hand rock cliff completely, and defeat the gangs "Daash" incurred heavy losses in lives and equipment thanks to the bravery and courage of the sons of the armed forces, who began effectively in the second phase of the process of liberalization and contained, lifting IEDs and secure roads and houses seized by criminal gangs in times past. 
    immediately made ​​the security forces to the depths of hand shelf, approved the leader of these criminal gangs called "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," the defeat of its personnel and Andharhm in front of the valor and courage of the heroes of the armed forces, who managed to kill 200 "Daasha" while ladder more than 100 other terrorist themselves. 
    were not limited to military operations on the one hand the rock cliff, it has widened larger to include three-pronged strategy of the other, according to security sources confirmed the "morning" because it included a pivotal Peggy, and Amiriyat al-Fallujah, as well as the rock cliff, in the image confirms the determination of the security forces to crush those gangs, to fight a decisive battle aimed at the liberalization of Nineveh, and securing the general areas which witnessed terrorist actions. Liberation rock cliff and after two days of fighting, succeeded security forces, according to the operations command of Babylon, the liberation of the whole of the rock cliff, and the arrival on Saturday to the district center, and while security sources said the start of the second phase of the process of cleansing, confirmed other information that Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban and secretary general of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri led security operations for the Liberation of hand cliff Ack.oukalt Operations Command Babylon, in a press statement yesterday that the Champions armed forces, backed by battalions of Saraya popular mobilization, ended fully edit the shelf, and arrived at the center side, indicating that those forces began immediately to move to the second page of the purges, and included the dismantling of improvised explosive devices and to secure the main roads and booby-trapped houses. explained Command spokesman Colonel Kareem Jabr that "explosives experts dismantled 70 of an explosive device and blew 30 other under control without causing casualties, "expected and there is more than" 700 bomb planted in orchards and around the areas of the district center. " and added that "the joint forces in military operations and the support of the Air Force and the popular mobilization was able to control entirely on the areas of" Fadiliyah and Hujayr, Persian and Chban and Owesat and Sndeg. "He also announced Operations Command Babylon, killing and wounding 200 terrorist gangs "Daash" during the battles, as well as the surrender of more than 100 others, as a result of blows painful they received from the Champions security forces and Saraya crowd Cobei.fa the meantime, reported security information that Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban The secretary general of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri led security operations for the Liberation of hand rock cliff. sermon refraction was only hours from the start of military offensive to revoke the armed forces and popular mobilization, on the one hand shelf, even declared the leader of the terrorists, "Daash" criminal "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," defeat the gangs and let down and Anksarhm in front of valor security forces. acknowledged "Baghdadi" through the "sermon of refraction" in the tape broadcast sites "Daash" terrorist hours after the start of the attack on the one hand the rock cliff, that gangs defeated fully in Jerv.ccant sources in the band Eighth Brigade 31, revealed on Saturday, that the security chiefs in the province, "I was surprised with the broad participation of the students and staff of various ages and clergy and local government legislative and executive in the battles that took place in the rock cliff." Asserting that that picture said high morale of the army and popular crowd. " military strategies to that, a senior security source revealed during his speech for the "morning" put a large military strategy includes working on clearing three fronts in order to control the areas that have experienced terrorist movements, and defeat the gangs. " Daash "criminal Mnha.ocd source, that the first axis is the liberation of Baiji entirely, noting that the armed forces and the sons of the popular crowd were now close to defeating" Daash "gangs in the judiciary, stressing that many of the tribes welcomed the security forces and gave them more Support the source and the second axis Almsandh.obin includes cleansing Amiriyat Fallujah area, while noting that the third axis is the area the rock cliff, which has been fully settled yesterday. breadth of security operations in the meantime, a local source in hand Mansuriya "morning" said The army forces supported by the popular crowd and warplanes launched a surprise attack from three axes to liberate villages Sherwin, the biggest strongholds of the elements of "Daash" terrorist, noting that the attack resulted in the liberation of the villages of the entire "Aerabzh and Majaran," while killed 16 terrorists, including an Afghan nationality is believed to be a leading and burned 6 wheels carry guns Ahadah.ovi time during which the defense ministry said, enables troops backed Pavoaj of the popular crowd, edit regions "Albu Tohme and pilgrims" nearby for Tikrit, killing more than 300 terrorists and dismantle 112 an explosive device, said eradicate police chief Fallujah Brigadier Faisal al-Zobaie, in a statement for "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," the killing of more than 130 "Daashaa" of the security forces during an attack on a hand Amiriyat Filogh.ually Meanwhile, the Peshmerga forces freed Saturday, two villages belonging to the city in terms of Zammar Mosul, Nineveh province of gangs "Daash" terrorist, at a time when the international coalition aircraft launched, dozens of air strikes sites "Daash" in Nineveh, that killed more than 100 terrorists, and destroyed dozens of dens and Alagliat.bdorh, between a member of the Free Officers Movement in Mosul Suleiman al-Hashemi, a reporter, "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," "The strength of the movement killed terrorist" Abu encounter Zarqawi "nicknamed" slaughterer of Mosul "who participated in the massacre Baduc.obinma prison security forces managed to kill the so-called" Wali Syed Ghraib area "In the city of Tikrit in Salahuddin province terrorist named" Sohail Glue "during the implementation of a security operation in Tikrit, revealed the Ministry of Defence for Air enables the international coalition of killing 23 Chechen terrorists holding citizenship in Anbar.

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