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    50 killed Daashaa at the hands of Afghan forces

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    50 killed Daashaa at the hands of Afghan forces Empty 50 killed Daashaa at the hands of Afghan forces

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2017, 4:15 am

    50 killed Daashaa at the hands of Afghan forces

    21:20 - 28/05/2017

    He was quoted by the media about the Afghan defense minister's remarks that government security forces were able to eliminate about 50 armed men across the country.

    The sources said that "Among the dead were four of the militants organization (Daesh), criminal while 42 others were wounded in the operations of the security forces throughout the country."

    Afghan armed forces destroyed 12 LEC, the gunmen use them in the states of Kunduz and Uruzgan, there were no information about casualties among the official forces.

    According to incoming reports from Afghanistan that the situation there is going from bad to worse, where the Taliban controls a large portion of agricultural land, and has recently converted a major effort to attack cities. It ended 25 d

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