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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Specialists: The private sector is able to diversify and activate the productive sectors

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    Specialists: The private sector is able to diversify and activate the productive sectors Empty Specialists: The private sector is able to diversify and activate the productive sectors

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Sep 2013, 6:14 am

    Specialists: The private sector is able to diversify and activate the productive sectors

    09/03/2013 12:00 AM

    Warned against the continuation of Iraq's dependence on revenues rentier
    شكران Fatlawi
    stressed by a number of economists on the importance of the transition to a free economy, stressing the need to find a legal system includes all legislation and regulations economic, as it combines the current legislation scattered in one group after trimmed and make adjustments required by, as well as finding a security system developed can provide security and protection for economic projects for the people and property, as well as the necessity of activating the role of the private sector as a source of strength for the economy, since that what exists currently can not fall within the concept
    They pointed out that Iraq still depends on oil revenues, which constitute 95 percent of the imports while neglecting other sectors important supporting particular industry, agriculture and trade, which can be activated through the promotion of a free economy.
    economy totalitarian
    his part, said a member of the Committee on the economy and investment Salman al-Moussawi, the "morning": that economic development can not be reached only through the transformation of the economy totalitarian to a free economy, pointing out that this issue is complex and is simple and requires concerted efforts despite the fact that the Constitution guarantees this transformation. said al-Moussawi said improving economic activity thus lead to improved well-being of the individual and that requires a concept of good governance and access to economic progress desired.
    capital market
    He Moussawi said a committee of economy and investment seeks to development by contributing to the preparation of action plans and the provision of supplies as well as prepare a plan relating to the capital market and make it able to accommodate future changes, as well as the completion of the plan concerning the development of the administrative system year in government administration, calling for the need to find Strategic Actions for economic transition and follow policies used, first and foremost investment policy, human development, production goods and services, financial aspects, monetary, customs, competition and prevent monopoly, management integrity, social responsibility and other all for the advancement of economic reality.
    oil revenues
    and the Minister of Planning, former d . Mehdi al-Hafez said in his speech for the "morning" is still oil revenues dominant on the resources of other countries and wait for further research specialist to diagnose the mechanisms of action in the economic system formula of a tie between the market and the state is the form prominent of the new economy.
    stressed Hafez need for a diversification of a comprehensive restructuring of the national economy in order to edit the dominance of revenues rentier.
    building sectors
    and Krralhafez say the need to build productive sectors essential to achieve the required balance, pointing out that the Iraqi economy is suffering the lack of national output and depends on oil production as the primary source to cover the expenses of the state and foreign trade and so on.
    many risks
    and noted that this matter involves to many risks requires attention sectors other productive agriculture, industry and tourism because it is late, he said.
    called at the end of his speech the importance of the transition to a market economy through economic reforms, pointing to the need to provide a sound foundation and necessary to achieve the transition process and the necessary speed, as well as completion of legislation and put it the subject of the application and utilization of oil resources in the development of other economic sectors in accordance with the framework of the structure of the market economy and leading to economic integration, in addition to the need to facilitate the partnership and integration with the private sector.
    National Development Plan
    The National Development Plan for the year 2010 - 2014 emphasized the importance of strengthening the role of the local private sector and foreign of the volume of investments, which is expected to reach accounted for 46 percent at the end of 2014 in this area, the opinion probably influential in the mechanism of transmission of the economy to a free market is to follow the theory installment strong that rely on flooding the huge volume of investments in the construction of facilities, human capital and mass transfer and the forces driving and training of the workforce, as well as expanding the volume of investments in the field of integrated projects Industries Generation vertically and horizontally.

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