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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki is with the Health Professions Act guarantees them their career and financial


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Maliki is with the Health Professions Act guarantees them their career and financial Empty Maliki is with the Health Professions Act guarantees them their career and financial

    Post by chouchou Sat 07 Sep 2013, 3:32 am

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    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki expressed optimism the evolution of reality medical and health in the country, criticizing the attempt in some quarters to thwart government projects, lest attributed their success to the government.

    Maliki promised the staff of this slide, during a meeting with a delegation of union health professions, on Friday, to exert maximum effort in order to obtaining their functional and financial follow-up in the cabinet down to the legislation of the law, calling for the nomination of the delegation authorized to discuss issues related to side and administrative problems, needs and ideas development and soothing and grades and other search these files in detail with the advisers to take their way with the law of salaries and allowances Alliance, which is under way now .

    Turning the Prime Minister to the situation that prevailed in the region and the challenges facing Iraq, praising the efforts of this slide that contribute to alleviate the suffering of the people and treat the injured and the victims of terrorism, noting that Iraq is not in isolation from the storm that hit the region. Moreover, criticized, yesterday Thursday,

    In his speech during the opening of center Babylon Cancer Cancer of the city of Morgan Medical in Hilla, some of those who seek to thwart government projects in the country, lest attributed their success to the government, calling for the central government and local governments to respond to this great challenge and thwart all the schemes that seek to deprive people of luxury and stability.

    Said al-Maliki to the big challenges facing the health situation in the country due to terrorism, which hampers the implementation of many projects, as well as accumulations inherited by the current government of the former regime, which neglected a lot of sectors.

    As pointed out that the Ministry of Health has a lot of plans that seeking from which to advance the reality of health and provision of health services best for the citizens, said the end of this year and early next year, Schhadan complete build ten hospitals across the country, nine more than 4000 patients each representing hospital including the city of integrated medical in addition to building a number of centers medical services.

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