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    Sources in the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry: a clear request to leave the Iranian ambassador

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    Sources in the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry: a clear request to leave the Iranian ambassador Empty Sources in the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry: a clear request to leave the Iranian ambassador

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jul 2017, 1:39 am

    Sources in the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry: a clear request to leave the Iranian ambassador

    Arab and international Since 2017-07-20 at 19:46 (Baghdad time)

    Follow Mawazine News
    Kuwait has denied being expelled from the Iranian ambassador, but only other diplomatic moves .
    Iranian media reported that the Kuwaiti government, the Iranian ambassador, 45 days to leave its territory .
    On Thursday, Kuwait announced the closure of the technical offices of the Iranian embassy and reduced the number of diplomats working there .
    According to the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA), an official source at the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry confirmed that after the issuance of the judgment of the Cassation Court No. 901 of 2016 on the so-called Abdali cell, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the necessary steps regarding the ruling on the participation of parties The Iranian ambassador in Kuwait was informed of the decision of the Kuwaiti authorities to reduce the number of diplomats working in the Iranian embassy, ​​to close the technical offices of the embassy and to freeze any activities in the framework of joint committees between the two countries . "
    The source concluded his statement by "expressing regret for the negative development that has occurred in the relations between the two countries in this regard ."
    For its part, quoted the agency "Anatolia" Turkish "Kuwaiti diplomatic sources," that Kuwait decided to close the Iranian Cultural Attaché and the military office and reduce the number of diplomats at the Iranian embassy in the from 14 to 9, against the background of the issue of the Abdali cell .
    The sources, who preferred not to be named, said Kuwait had given Iranian diplomats, who did not give their names, 45 days to leave the country .
    On Wednesday, the Kuwaiti Interior Ministry published photos of 16 convicted in the case of the "Abdali cell", absent from sight and absentee verdicts against them .
    In a press release, the ministry asked citizens and residents to report them, warning of sheltering them.
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