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    This is how bin Salman will rule Saudi Arabia

    Admin Assist
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    This is how bin Salman will rule Saudi Arabia Empty This is how bin Salman will rule Saudi Arabia

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Aug 2017, 3:21 am

    This is how bin Salman will rule Saudi Arabia

    Arabic and International Tuesday, 29 August 2017

    France's Voltaire Network published a report Tuesday citing what he described as the steps separating Saudi Crown Prince Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz from Saudi Arabia's throne.

    The French report collected a series of reports and leaks published in the international press on the Saudi issue, and Ben Salman, and showed them as references to explain what steps the young prince separated from the rule of Saudi Arabia.

    These steps came first, the withdrawal from Yemen, where Voltaire Network referred to the previous report published on the website of Middle East A, which reveals that bin Salman seriously plans for the Saudi withdrawal from Yemen, after he realized that he is fighting a battle he can not win , According to the British site.

    The Middle East said it obtained the information through e-mail messages that were leaked and exchanged between the UAE ambassador in Washington, Yusuf al-Otaiba, and US Ambassador Martin Indyk.

    Second, the conflict with Iran The French website indicates that one of the most important steps that may pave the way for the rise of the Saudi crown prince to power is to stop the kingdom from the idea of ​​conflict with the Shiites and raise the banner of "the victory of the year."

    Voltaire Network claimed that following the strategy would find a way out of the Saudi government to quell the peak of tensions in the Qatif region, which would allow it to overcome the mistakes of the past, notably the execution of prominent opposition leader Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, French specialist in the dissemination of international political analysis.

    The site confirmed the authenticity of the move, with the historic meeting, which brought bin Salman with the leader of the Iraqi Sadrist movement, Moqtada al-Sadr, and Vice-President of the Supreme Shiite Council, Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan, and reopened border crossings with Iraq, which was closed for nearly 30 years.

    Third, the reconstruction of Syria, where the young Saudi prince seeks to have Saudi Arabia a prominent role in the reconstruction of Syria, according to the French site.

    He pointed out that this has led Riyadh to put forward relatively close views with Tehran to help them in this regard.
    The latest change in al-Jubayr, which will be one of the most important steps that will consolidate the rise of bin Salman to the throne of the kingdom, according to the site, is to change the Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel al-Jubair.

    Several reports have revealed that the Saudi crown prince is planning to replace his brother, Prince Khalid bin Salman, who was recently appointed ambassador to Washington, as foreign minister instead of al-Jubayr to bolster bin Salman's control over all security and political files in the kingdom.

      Current date/time is Tue 21 Jan 2025, 4:56 pm