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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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3 posters

    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

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    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991 Empty This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

    Post by Rocky Sat 17 Feb 2018, 11:26 am

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    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

    The economic adviser to the government revealed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Saturday, that Iraq will end the payment of debts to Kuwait, resulting from the invasion of 1991, beyond the year 2020, pointing to negotiations to find an alternative solution.
    "The residual damages of the Kuwait war, which today amounts to 4.5 billion dollars, began paying the first of this year by half a percent of the return of each barrel of crude oil source," Saleh said in a press statement.
    He added that "the ratio will rise in 2019 to 1.5% of the return of each barrel to pay the remnants of compensation and become in 2020 by about 3% of the return of each barrel of oil until the extinguishment of compensation in full."
    "There will be negotiations in April with the United Nations Compensation Fund in Geneva to assess the payment mechanisms and possibly find another alternative," Saleh said.


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    Dedicated Investor
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    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991 Empty Re: This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

    Post by Pinoy10 Sat 17 Feb 2018, 11:05 pm

    Still paying Kuwait.......after all these years. Thought this was done.
    Interacting Investor
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    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991 Empty Re: This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

    Post by Screwball Sat 17 Feb 2018, 11:49 pm

    Yep...old news

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    This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991 Empty Re: This is the mechanism to repay the debts of the invasion of Kuwait in 1991

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