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    Sources: Abdul - Mahdi discussed with the blocks winning portfolios

    Admin Assist
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    Sources: Abdul - Mahdi discussed with the blocks winning portfolios Empty Sources: Abdul - Mahdi discussed with the blocks winning portfolios

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Oct 2018, 1:57 am

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    Sources: Abdul - Mahdi discussed with the blocks winning portfolios

    Informed political sources said Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi discussed with the political forces the mechanism of distribution of points between the winning parties in the elections and the right of each bloc of ministerial portfolios, while pointing out that «the choice of Abdul Mahdi as independent for the post of prime minister, which was allocated the largest number of points , Has increased the challenges of forming a government.
    According to the sources, according to the newspaper Al-Hayat London, that will not deal with the alliances «reform and reconstruction» and «construction» as the forward Abdul Mahdi to take office in accordance with the points system, as both blocs will demand full share in the portfolios. She pointed out that because of the lack of convergence of the five political blocs winning the highest seats, the distribution of positions will not be easy this time.
    Adel Abdul-Mahdi opened the door of nomination for ministerial positions through the website in a step counted by experts that it is in the right direction to allow the selection of qualified candidates to hold ministerial posts.
    The President of the Republic Barham Salih met with Parliament Speaker Mohamed Halboussi yesterday, and said Halabousi in a press conference after the meeting: «We discussed with the President of the Republic the subject of the ministerial lineup», adding that Abdul Mahdi "free to choose ministers of his government and no one put pressure on him."
    Halabousi stressed the need to "coordinate with the neighboring countries and the regional environment," noting that "we will go to Turkey to discuss the issue of water, and we will meet the President of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani on the same subject."

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