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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    surprise .. Abdul-Mahdi completed his government and the objection delayed for a promised day

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    surprise .. Abdul-Mahdi completed his government and the objection delayed for a promised day Empty surprise .. Abdul-Mahdi completed his government and the objection delayed for a promised day

    Post by Rocky Fri 19 Oct 2018, 2:46 am

    surprise .. Abdul-Mahdi completed his government and the objection delayed for a promised day[/size]
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     33 minutes ago

    A senior Iraqi politician revealed that Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi has completed the largest part of his ministerial cabinet, and was about to submit it to Parliament on Thursday, without the objections of a number of political blocs on the candidates and the nature of electoral entitlements. 
    According to a report for the Middle East newspaper that quoted the political without naming it that "many of the political blocs gave Abdul-Mahdi the freedom to choose ministers, as he pleases, on the condition that he commits to quotas, according to the election, but some of these blocks want to know who is chosen Prime Minister , And may have the right to accept or object to them. " 
    "This formula will confuse the prime minister, because if he chooses a minister who does not satisfy this bloc or that, he may not find a substitute for it."
    "If the formula goes on as it is known, which is to take the blocks to nominate 5 characters for each site to choose the Prime Minister one, he would have to accept or reject the candidate ... which is the least in this case." 
    The Iraqi politician goes on saying that "Abdul-Mahdi will submit his government by Monday or Wednesday, after the completion of about 15 ministerial portfolios, so that some ministries, especially sovereign ones, such as defense, interior, foreign affairs, oil and finance to remain after the visit "There are two reasons for delaying the decision of the sovereign ministries, including those concerning the nominated candidates, as the search is still underway on the choice of this or that name, and others are linked to the demands of the blocks of this ministry or sovereign to take the nomination of those it deems appropriate to her".
    To this, the leader of the national axis Mohammed Karbouli member of the Iraqi parliament that "the national axis, which represents the Sunnis in the building block did not submit candidates to fill the ministries to the Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi," adding that "meetings continue in this regard, both within the axis or with partners on To be completed quickly. " 
    "The Sunnis are looking for a partnership in the political decision, not just ministerial posts, because the priorities in our areas destroyed by the occupation are reconstruction, services and security, including the return of the displaced and the fate of the missing and investment," Karbouli said.


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