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    Erdogan calls for Trump to visit Turkey .. White House comment

    Admin Assist
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    Erdogan calls for Trump to visit Turkey .. White House comment Empty Erdogan calls for Trump to visit Turkey .. White House comment

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Dec 2018, 2:15 am

    Erdogan calls for Trump to visit Turkey .. White House comment[/size]
    Erdogan calls for Trump to visit Turkey .. White House comment 1-1200081

     Twilight News    

     3 hours ago

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has invited his US counterpart, Donald Trump, to visit Turkey in 2019. 
    The spokesman, Hogan Gaidli, said in a statement: "Although there is nothing specific is being planned, The president is ready for a possible future meeting. " 
    The call comes just days after Trump's controversial decision to withdraw all US troops from Syria, where they are taking part in an international coalition to fight an oppressive organization. 
    Turkey, alone among most Washington partners, praised Trump's decision. It now has more freedom to target Kurdish fighters in Syria, trained and armed by the United States and played a key role in the war against a sympathetic organization, but Ankara classifies them as terrorists.
    On Monday, Erdogan renewed his threats to Kurdish factions and sent additional military reinforcements to his country's southern border in preparation for a possible attack after a planned withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria.

    Tramp's chant 
    Earlier, Trump, in a tweet on Twitter, expressed his great confidence that his Turkish counterpart would complete the task of "debauchery", saying he was the man who could do it. 
    But this man, Erdogan, as long as he is plagued by accusations and documented reports of his support for radical organization in Syria, how will fight the enemy that helped spread? 
    "Erdogan has told me strongly that he will summon all that is left of a preacher, the man who can do it," Trump said in his tweet on Sunday night. "Our troops are coming home." 
    Trump abruptly announced his intention to withdraw US forces from Syria in a resolution such as a shift in US policy in the region, and left the protection forces of the Kurdish people, which contributed significantly to defeating the "Da'ash" organization, vulnerable to Turkish military ambitions.
    In this context, Trump's role for his ally Erdogan finds a different translation in Ankara, where there are no terrorists in this region except for the Kurds.


      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 10:54 am