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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Tohma: Transparency in government spending and serious political will, and taking the people of inte

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    Tohma: Transparency in government spending and serious political will, and taking the people of inte Empty Tohma: Transparency in government spending and serious political will, and taking the people of inte

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Mar 2019, 6:36 am

    Tohma: Transparency in government spending and serious political will, and taking the people of integrity and efficiency of the sites are important elements to fight corruption
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    BAGHDAD / The head of the national approach bloc MP Ammar Tohma, said Saturday, that transparency in government spending and serious political will and take the integrity and efficiency of the sites are important elements to fight corruption.
    In a statement received by the "Eye of Iraq News", Tohma stressed the need to provide the serious will of the influential political forces in supporting the efforts of combating corruption and supporting the independence of the competent institutions in the fight against financial and administrative corruption and reforming the electoral environment with all its vocabulary to ensure its production is linked to the will of the public Linked to influential politicians and protect them from accountability and legal accountability. "
    He added that transparency and clarity in government spending helps a lot of competent regulators in evaluating the safety of exchange and its compatibility with covering the needs of citizens and uncover the outlets and gaps of manipulation, waste and corruption in public funds and provides an opportunity for public opinion to examine the activities of the government. The final accounts are scheduled and presented to the public opinion as well as institutions and regulatory authorities. Some countries that have been rated as the best performing countries in the transparency component have started the Law on Financial Responsibility, which provides a legal framework for transparent management of public resources.
    He called for "reducing the routine and procedures whose existence is associated with the spread of corruption and the creation of an environment to expand its extensions, and replacing them by means of electronic governance, especially in the resources of collection of taxes and customs duties and import documents required to verify its realism at the sale auction of foreign currency."
    The weakness of the implementation of the law because of the weakening of the implementing institutions and the presence of parallel forces linked to the decision of the political forces in force and influential in the management of state authorities, the unification of positions and steps in support of the implementing institutions of the law and strengthen the arms and arms of the state and its official institutions will support the implementation of the law and its application in the prosecution and accountability of corruption "He said.
    He called for " assigning civilian and military high positions to figures who are efficient, fair and courageous in their integrity and fight against corruption in their previous career history, with the clarity of the mechanisms and the method of appointing those responsible for these sites and announcing them to the public opinion."
    "The importance of enacting strict laws and tightening penalties for corruption and theft of public funds, including the imposition of double penalties for the exploitation of influence and location and enrichment illegal."
    He stressed the "independence of the institutions and departments concerned with combating financial and administrative corruption with its elements, its association and its decisions on the bodies and personalities responsible for its supervision and auditing its work and the nomination of officials of those regulatory institutions by the political forces not participating in the government and civil society organizations."
    Tohma, the need to criminalize the failure of senior officials and holders of special grades to disclose their financial interests and the adoption of mechanisms to achieve effective in the pursuit of those interests inside and outside Iraq, as reports and reliable information from the regulatory authorities to hide some officials their financial interests in foreign financial institutions.
    He pointed out "the importance of strengthening international cooperation in pursuing the activities of economic officials and disclosing their assets deposited in banks or international financial institutions through the conclusion of bilateral or expanded cooperation agreements to oblige those countries to provide the necessary facilities to pursue any suspicious activity."

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