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    documents reveal the new Dahesh plan after its fall in Iraq and Syria

    Admin Assist
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    documents reveal the new Dahesh plan after its fall in Iraq and Syria Empty documents reveal the new Dahesh plan after its fall in Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Mar 2019, 7:07 am

    documents reveal the new Dahesh plan after its fall in Iraq and Syria[/size]
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     5 hours ago

    (Reuters) - The militant group, which has suffered a major defeat in Syria and Iraq recently, has drawn up plans for its future operations in Europe, according to documents found by the British newspaper The Sunday Times in eastern Syria.
    The Syrian Democratic Forces announced on Saturday that they had managed to take control of the last bastion where the militants of the organization were holed up in the town of Al-Bagouz east of the Euphrates River in Syria.
    But the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Syria will not appear to be the end of this militant organization. Documents found in his last stronghold in eastern Syria have revealed preparations for arming and financing militants and sleeper cells in Europe.
    The newspaper described the documents as "chilling" and included the names of hundreds of militants and their budgets, as well as their correspondence, which reflected the existence of a bureaucratic system within the organization.
    In a letter written in January to a local leader in Syria, the name "Abu Tahir al-Tajik" appears to have a plan to help members of a European populace launch attacks and recruit people from abroad to Syria.
    According to the written letter, the Tajik has individuals who want to work in areas far from Iraq and Syria, and give him permission to communicate with them in order to carry out operations within Europe.
    The letter, which was found on a CD containing dozens of correspondence, refers to the request for permission to establish an office for external relations to manage urgent operations in Europe and other areas.
    "Before they carry out the operations, they send us the targets if the communication is safe, otherwise they will be implemented, and we will not confine them to what they need, but it takes realism and credibility," the letter says.
    The documents show that the Tajik had planned to present his plans to a committee sent by the leader of Daqash, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but the meeting was postponed after the killing of a member of the Committee. In the letter, the author asks for another opportunity to present the proposal.
    Baghdadi is believed to be hiding in a secret desert hideout with his top aides between Iraq and Syria, and occasionally moving in an attempt to hide in an area where coalition aircraft are not leaving the hardline organization.

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