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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Jun 2019, 3:26 am

    [size=24]KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

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    Samson:  Abdul-Mahdi: The cabinet must be completed before the end of the legislative term of parliament

    11th June, 2019

    Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi stressed on Tuesday the need to complete the ministerial cabin before the end of the current legislative term of the House of Representatives.

    "The remaining cabinet must be completed before the end of the current legislative term of the House of Representatives," Abdul Mahdi said during a weekly press conference attended by the Information Agency .

    He added that "the government is committed to the implementation of all paragraphs of the government program that it set during its formation."  LINK

      Samson, talk to me!! Lol We both know the pony show is coming to circus now.,, Play the musical chair as long as everyone is still dancing?  Talk  about milking the proverbial camel to the last drop.. Kinda sad and embarrassing from such a proud people? Wow?

    Mahdi, all proxy? Over a year now? Clearly the Paris Club has a foot on a neck or two.. CBI has them accounted for.. Yet, the last leg needs to be attained . Imo Will you do it when the  last chair is taken? Or when the formation of GOI simultaneously gets sorted during the transition of MR..

    The wall is clearly painted now. The paint shows that the FML is law and yet to be lighted. The date has to yet to be told, but, since 15 days is past for the fml to be law leaves us 13 or 14!!!! Imo ……yep they are broadcasting imo – MM

    Rommy:   It is way past time to give the citizens what they need and totally deserve! 

    Popeye7:  They have endured much... Thank you MM for posting your thoughts... Too much is being revealed, and yet the rate is being concealed...


    Fuze:  Does anyone know when the current legislative term end in Iraq? Thanks.  

    Shangdoodles:  My understanding from Delta is that the end of the current legislative term in Iraq is June 30, 2019 ...  But ... keep in mind that the last couple of days in June fall on a weekend ...

    Don961:  Coming soon .. The launch of electronic travel cards for Iraqis

    Wednesday 12 June 2019

    Baghdad / Al-Sabah 
    The Central Bank of Iraq will soon launch electronic travel cards for citizens in order to assist travelers in the payment of external expenses.

    In a statement received by Al Sabah, the bank said: "It is part of our strategy to gradually guide citizens to use electronic payment tools instead

    Cash payment will be the launch of electronic travel cards for citizens », noting that« cards
    Electronic travel that will help travelers in the payment of expenses

    External purchases, hotels, treatment and study and also contribute to increasing the ability of banks to attract customers towards modern banking services ».

    The statement added that «the cards will also provide additional benefits to its holders, including the purchase of the dollar at 1200 dinars and security during travel and avoid theft and loss 

    Payment of all currencies and all over the world, plus access to privileges

    Additional exposure by banks such as access to business halls And discounts.    link

    Strongcbm:  woooooooooweeeeee .... If this ain't an announcement I don't know what is ! ! !... They telling the citizens they'll be able to come to my hometown McDonalds and stay a the Hilton or Motel 6 with more purchasing power...maybe at 1 to 1 hmmmmmmm.. and with a secured account so that Bubba can't steal their info and buy himself some rims...LOL ....IMO....

    Scorpio1:  Though this show INTERNATIONAL usage, it is still at a PR 1200 to 1 usd.....we wait. The inchworm is an inch closer.

    PompeyPete:  wow Transparent and ON TIME what are they telling us They are READY.......THANK YOU SAMSON
    Samson:  The Central Bank is the first institution in the State of Iraq to issue its final lists on time

    12th June, 2019

    Completed international auditing firm Ernst & Young (Ernst & Young) audit final financial statements of the Central Bank of Iraq for the fiscal year 2018 in the legal deadline the end of March 2019
    The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq: The Board of Directors of the bank ratified the lists issued with a positive opinion (without reservation), which shows the level of transparency in which the bank works and the efforts in the presentation of activities and processes, and the level of disclosure of this institution
    Adding that the disclosure on time and "positive opinion" generates important impressions of the institutions and international banks that deal with Iraq, and this is working to encourage investors to deal with financial institutions and banking in Iraq as long as the sectoral control body (the central bank) Silence
    The Central Bank is one of the first institutions in Iraq, which annually fulfills the requirements of preparing and auditing the final financial statements on time, which gave the bank a prominent position among the central banks in the region

    Iobey777:  What??? You mean they did something "on time" ? Uh...what's the rush, CBI? Got something else to Finish? Well, IMO..It's way past time!! Do it!!

    DELTA:  12-06-2019 01:18 PM

    Economist: The auction of currency at the Central Bank is useful only for the corrupt

     The economic expert Bassil al-Obeidi, on Wednesday, the continuation of the work of the Central Bank of Iraq to auction the huge wrong currency in the history of Iraq, noting that the auction of the currency does not benefit only the corrupt and the banks of civil authorities of the window.

     "The auction of foreign currency, which is carried out by the Central Bank of Iraq, can not be relied upon in the floating currency and is one of the most serious mistakes in the history of the Iraqi economy."

     He added that "the auction of the currency will not benefit the national economy and wasted large amounts of money, but it is beneficial to the corrupt and private banks belonging to the influential in the state.";id=193185

      That's a great reason to stop the auctions

    Iobey777:  DELTA!!! WOW!! IMO..this article is telling them they have to stop the auctions and quit feeding the corrupt!! Time for the auctions to go... IMO..another sure sign they are about to RI!!
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Wednesday Evening 6-12-19

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Jun 2019, 3:29 am

    [size=24]MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Wednesday Evening 6-12-19

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    MilitiaMan:  This data below shows us that they are clearly doing as they told us they would and even on time or early.

    The CBI told us on the 10th they would have an intensive media campaign. They sure are from the looks of it. There are now out today about 11 articles that support they are doing what they said they were going to do, in that regard to intensive media campaign.

    They go on to say that they are partnering up with banks, money exchanges, airports, hotels, etc... To get them up in running with the new Master and Visa Cards for external expenses to get paid.

    They are doing the media blitz to make sure everyone knows that all there is left to do is let their new external exchange rate get applied to those cards. imo.. That is where the CBI will need to be timely ahead of the Gazette, imo.

    That time clock imo is about to sound some alarms.. If I read this correctly they look as though they are telling the citizens and others they will be effectively 1:1.20 soon. lol ~ MM

    Now take a look at the way they word this ~ MM

    This bank will settle the cards abroad by selling them dollars at a price. Aqh sell the currency, the dollar against the sale of citizens at the price of 1.200 dinars through purchases of cards.

    This bank does not settle the cards to banks abroad by selling them the dollar in full,
     in return for the sale of the US dollar at the price of 1, 200 dinars through the purchase of Alta - the Central Bank of Iraq

    MilitiaMan:  IMO, they are trying to tell us they will be at 1.200 to the USD not 1,200. Then by applying the new international calculation to that and we are back to the glory days.. imo. Lets see what they do next.. lol in the coming days.. ha..   ~ MM

    Preparation for the conference to launch electronic travel cards

    10th June, 2019

    To / All Banks, Electronic Payment Companies, Visa Company and MasterCard (Preparation for the Electronic Travel Card Conference ) ... Click here to view

    Visa Company and Mastercard M / Preparation for the Conference of the launch of electronic travel cards Greetings. . . As a result of the strategy of this bank to gradually guide citizens to use electronic payment tools instead of paying cash, draw your attention to the fact that we are preparing for the conference to launch electronic travel cards Which will help passengers in the payment of external expenses and contribute to increase the ability of banks to attract customers towards modern banking services. In this regard, the bank will coordinate with the Association of Iraqi Banks, licensed payment companies and international card companies to establish a conference during the first week of July 2019 to launch an intensive media campaign in this regard.

    And (a) other In 191 days, and in 2019 to launch an intensive media campaign in this regard. The establishment of the Conference of the launch of electronic travel cards issuance of electronic cards for Iraqi citizens to motivate them to use these cards during the payment period expenses (purchases - hotels - treatment - study with reference to the additional benefits that qualify these units of the holders::

    Buy the dollar at 1, 200 dinars. Travel and avoid theft and loss - Payment in all currencies and around the world - access to additional privileges offered by banks to enter the halls of businessmen, discounts

    This bank will settle the cards abroad by selling them dollars at a price. Aqh sell the currency, the dollar against the sale of citizens at the price of 1.200 dinars through purchases of cards.

    This bank does not settle the cards to banks abroad by selling them the dollar in full, in return for the sale of the US dollar at the price of 1, 200 dinars through the purchase of Alta - the Central Bank of Iraq - the Association of Iraqi private banks Tamkeen Fund - all licensed banks - licensed payment companies - agents Banking Offices - Travel & Tourism Offices - Airlines (International Card Company) Visa & Mastercard. E-government.

    All licensed banks. Licensed Payment Companies. E-Government - Aviation Iraq - Baghdad Airport, Al-Basrah Airport, Madar Al-Fouf, Erbil Airport, Sulaymaniyah Airport - Travel and Bath Offices. Purchase, citizens, citizens

    Al-Ajariya Airport Iraq Baghdad Airport, Basra Airport, Najaf Airport, Erbil Airport, Sulaymaniyah Airport Travel & Tourism Offices Partners Active Citizens Citizens Issue Goal Accompanying Activities - Citizens Issue 1 million electronic cards to pay 1 billion dollars abroad in the first phase - The establishment of banks for booths in the malls to sell cards directly.

     To authorize travel agents and banking companies to sell cards on behalf of banks. Establishment of a declaration on the use of travel cards inside Iraqi aircraft. Agreement with airports to allow banks to set up stalls inside airports equipped with issuing tickets Travel ads in the streets Infograph and video definition during the first week of July 2019 (with the start of the season of tourism, travel and holidays) Time Please begin to prepare this product because of its positive impact on increasing the profitability of banks and attract them This bank, in collaboration with international card companies, will set up a specialized workshop on the mechanism of work, management and profitability of electronic cards and their modern marketing methods.

    - It is more equitable than the use of travel buildings inside the Al-Rak Al-Khalil
    Agreement with the airports to allow the waiters to set up stalls inside airports equipped with bar honey cards. Time in the first week of July 19 20 (with the start of the season of tourism, travel and currency) Time Please start preparing this product because it has a positive impact on increasing the profitability of banks and attracting them to bank accounts, and this bank will cooperate with card companies We are inviting the banks and their partners from the approved payment companies to launch workshops and marketing campaigns to intensify their sales of electronic cards and to benefit from the facilities available. T offered by the bank in this strategic project, because of its positive effects and economic feasibility of all parties involved hoping to communicate with the Association of Iraqi banks, which will prepare for the conference and coordination with all partners during this month.


    Coming soon .. The launch of electronic travel cards for Iraqis
    Wednesday 12 June 2019
    Baghdad / Al-Sabah 
    The Central Bank of Iraq will soon launch electronic travel cards for citizens in order to assist travelers in the payment of external expenses.

    In a statement received by Al Sabah, the bank said: "It is part of our strategy to gradually guide citizens to use electronic payment tools instead

    Cash payment will be the launch of electronic travel cards for citizens », noting that« cards

    Electronic travel that will help travelers in the payment of expenses

    External purchases, hotels, treatment and study and also contribute to increasing the ability of banks to attract customers towards modern banking services ».

    The statement added that «the cards will also provide additional benefits to its holders, including the purchase of the dollar at 1200 dinars and security during travel and avoid theft and loss 

    Payment of all currencies and all over the world, plus access to privileges
    Additional exposure by banks such as access to business halls And discounts.

    Retirement cancels the condition of the sponsor in granting loans

    The Central Bank is the first institution in the State of Iraq to issue its final lists on time
    12th June, 2019

    Completed international auditing firm Ernst & Young (Ernst & Young) audit final financial statements of the Central
    Bank of Iraq for the fiscal year 2018 in the legal deadline the end of March 2019

    Announcement of Auction Results (ICD310) (for the sale of Islamic certificates of deposit

    Organizational Structure of the Information Office

    Training Course (Oracle Database) for the period from 16-2019 to 6/20

    A training course entitled (cash and liquidity management in commercial banks) for the period from 25-2019 to 6/27

    A training course entitled "Basic Networks" for the period 6/30 - 2019/7/4

    A training course entitled (basics of Islamic banking) for the period from 6/30 -2019/7/4
    The results of the foreign currency sale window on Thursday, 2019/6/13, which is carried out on Wednesday, 2019/6/12
    12-06-2019 01:18 PM
    Economist: The auction of currency at the Central Bank is useful only for the corrupt;id=193

    Don961:  grand news ... progress in the process .. imo ... stay sober please CBI ...

    The Central Bank announces the issuance of its final lists

    June 12, 2019 7:40 pm Author: alzawraapaper

    BAGHDAD / Zora: 

    The Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, the completion of the international auditing firm Ernst & Young (Ernst & Young) audit final financial statements of the Bank for fiscal year 2018 in the legal deadline the end of March 2019.

    ozkrt Accounting Department of the bank in a statement that « The Board of Directors of the Bank has approved these lists which were issued with a positive opinion (without reservation), which indicates the level of transparency under which the Bank operates, the efforts made in presenting the activities and operations, and the level of disclosure that this institution has. "

    And a positive opinion generates important impressions of the founders International banks that deal with Iraq, and that it will encourage investors to deal with the financial and banking institutions in Iraq as long as the regulatory sector ( the central bank) has so much sobriety. »    link

    MilitiaMan:  Yes, Don this is a doozy! Thank you for all your hard work!!

    They clearly have this pegged now. International Banks will be getting a good impression that all is well and ready for them to come out into the international stage. With all the articles today just as the CBI stated on the 10th of this month. They are doing exactly what they have set out to do.. imo.. ~ MM
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Screwball Thu 13 Jun 2019, 3:52 am

    Open to interpretation... it the rate of 1.20 would make sense at this certainly won’t stay thee for long considering that in 1931 they were at $4.32
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Screwball Thu 13 Jun 2019, 3:55 am

    This is all about creating money velocity and money cycle...MasterCard and debit cards will kickstart the economy
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Screwball Thu 13 Jun 2019, 3:56 am

    This is international 101
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    Post by mochasmom Thu 13 Jun 2019, 9:12 am

    Thanks Rocky and Screwball..definitly will spur economy

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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Lobo Thu 13 Jun 2019, 11:53 am

    Remember, in the past, the CBI had a secondary website showing one dinar = 1.20 US with a picture on the header of the new CBI bank building.  When the CBI changed the picture of the old historical images to the new bank building, the secondary website was taken down.  I think Screwball mentioned at that time, he thought it was the contract rate.  Getting exciting.
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by mochasmom Thu 13 Jun 2019, 12:14 pm

    We will take it and never look back
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    KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19 Empty Re: KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday 6-12-19

    Post by Screwball Thu 13 Jun 2019, 4:58 pm

    Yes...I do remember.1.20 contract rate for tenders and projects 
    Lobo wrote:Remember, in the past, the CBI had a secondary website showing one dinar = 1.20 US with a picture on the header of the new CBI bank building.  When the CBI changed the picture of the old historical images to the new bank building, the secondary website was taken down.  I think Screwball mentioned at that time, he thought it was the contract rate.  Getting exciting.

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    Post by Lobo Thu 13 Jun 2019, 5:04 pm

    Thanks Screwball, YES, YES AND YES - I don't think we will see anything less than 1.20 US.  MAYBE even more if this is the contract rate - I think that would be less than the actual rate of exchange.

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