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    Israel's report announces the beginning of the Cold War between America and Iran on Iraqi soil

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    Israel's report announces the beginning of the Cold War between America and Iran on Iraqi soil Empty Israel's report announces the beginning of the Cold War between America and Iran on Iraqi soil

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Jul 2019, 3:34 am

    POSTED ON [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Israel's report announces the beginning of the Cold War between America and Iran on Iraqi soil[/size]

    [size=45]A news website revealed a recent attack is a link in the Cold War series between Iran and America. 
    The website "Debka", this morning, Sunday, that the attack on the camp of Badr in northern Iraq, the first Friday, is a new episode in the Cold War between Iran and America, and even America's allies after. 
    "The attack on the Badr camp, loyal to the Iraqi Iraqi militia, near the city of Ameri, east of Baghdad, is the beginning or a new episode in the cold war between America and Iran, and that he killed an unknown number of activists or cadres of the popular crowd."
    The Hebrew website claimed that the Badr camp is a central region or station for the transfer of Iranian weapons from Tehran to Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah, and that this camp was attacked by two planes in two stages, according to the between the aircraft time of about half an hour, the attackers tried to kill from Remain in the camp of soldiers and officers. 
    The Israeli report comes in conjunction with the announcement of the Central Commission of Inquiry sent by the Popular Struggle Organization, Sunday, the results of the investigation into the bombing of the Martyrs Camp of the body, which is near the city of Ameri. 
    The report of the specialized committee confirmed that the investigations conducted had proved that the explosion was not a military target as a result of a plane or a guided missile, but was a fire of solid fuel due to an internal defect. 
    The report pointed out that the incident did not result in the death of the ranks of the Popular Forces.
    It is noteworthy that the Security Information Cell in Iraq published a statement, the first Friday, which stated that "the camp of martyrs in the area of ​​Ameri, a 16 popular crowd, was exposed, at dawn on Friday at one minute and twenty-two minutes, and the twenty-second minutes, Was shot by an unknown march aircraft, and the shelling wounded two. "

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