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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO

    Admin Assist
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    Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO Empty Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 Jul 2019, 3:43 am

    [size=36]Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO[/size]

    Political | 11:42 - 27/07/2019

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    Baghdad - 
    The Ministry of Transport announced on Saturday its intention to add new paragraphs to the draft naval base to be built in the port of Faw Al-Kabir, Basra province. 
    "Transport Minister Abdullah Luaibi accompanied by Defense Minister Najah al-Shammari conducted an aerial and field inspection tour of the naval base to be built at the port of Faw," the ministry said in a statement received by Mawazine News. 
    She added that "the visit comes to see the place of construction in the field and identified on the maps and features of the site." 
    For his part, Luaibi said that "the Ministry of Transport seeks to add other paragraphs as is the case of the ministries of the State, which aspires to have a construction in this big port."

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    Admin Assist
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    Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO Empty Minister of Defense and Transport: towards the construction of the naval base in the port of Faw

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 Jul 2019, 6:48 am

    Minister of Defense and Transport: towards the construction of the naval base in the port of Faw

    2 Hours ag

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    Minister of Transport Eng. Abdullah Luaibi and Defense Najah al-Shammari toured the air and field inspection of the naval base to be constructed at the port of Faw.
    The two ministers arrived in Basra to see the location of the buildings, which were identified on the maps and the site's special features.
    Transport Minister Laibi said that "the Ministry of Transport is seeking to add other paragraphs, as is the case of the ministries of the State, which aspires to have a construction in this big port."
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    Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO Empty Defense Minister announces Basra: The largest naval base for the Iraqi army will be established

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jul 2019, 3:04 am

    Defense Minister announces Basra: The largest naval base for the Iraqi army will be established

    •  28 July 2019

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    Defense Minister Najah al-Shammari announced the establishment of the largest military naval base for the Iraqi army.
    "Al-Shammari visited Basra province, accompanied by Transport Minister Abdullah al-Aybi, chairman of the parliamentary security and defense committee, deputy chief of staff of the military operations and senior officers in the leadership, who were received by Basra operations commander and commander of the naval force," the statement said.
    During the visit, the defense minister briefed him on the stages of the construction of the port of Faw, announcing the establishment of the largest military naval base for the Iraqi army.
    The defense minister inspected the command of the Umm Qasr air base and the Shuaiba airbase, noting the details of the work of al-Qaeda, stressing the need to upgrade the reality of the military in various aspects.

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    Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO Empty Re: Transport intends to add new paragraphs on the draft naval base in the port of FAO

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