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    Iraq contracts with France's Total for these projects

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    Iraq contracts with France's Total for these projects Empty Iraq contracts with France's Total for these projects

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 Mar 2021, 7:18 am

    Iraq contracts with France's Total for these projects

    •  Time: 03/29/2021 14:46:52
    •  Read: 1,339 times

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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Oil signed a principles agreement with the French company Total to implement four projects.
    The ministry stated in a statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of it that "the most important of these projects is the establishment of complexes and units for the processing and investment of associated gas, which will be in two phases with a capacity of 600 million standard cubic feet, the sea water project and the development of the Artawi field, and the establishment of a solar energy project for the Ministry of Electricity with a capacity of (1000). ) Megawatts. "
    The Minister of Oil and Chairman of the Ministerial Council for Energy Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismail confirmed that "an agreement has been reached with the French company Total to implement four mega projects that represent the need for development in the country, the first project and the most important one, the project for collecting and refining gas in all fields outside the Basra Gas Agreement, which are the (Artawi,) fields. West Qurna / 2, Majnoon, Tuba, and Lahis), which burn large quantities of gas.

    The minister indicated, according to the statement, that "it was agreed with Total to establish a group of facilities in these fields with the establishment of the Central Gas Complex in Artawi, with the aim of fully investing the quantities of associated gas, and the project is considered one of the most important development projects that the country will witness during this year and subsequent years."
    Ismail added, "The other giant project is the integrated seawater project, which the ministry has been trying to implement for more than ten years and Total has shown its willingness to implement the project, and the third project is the Artawi field development project with the aim of maximizing the potential of gas supplies and investing the entire quantity of fields that contain proportions." "A high level of natural gas production, and the fourth project is to establish facilities to produce 1,000 megawatts of electrical energy, depending on solar energy."
    Ismail pointed out that "these four projects had their final memoranda signed and the scope of technical and commercial work was almost agreed upon. The topic will be presented to the Council of Ministers for approval. These projects are considered one of the largest development projects that Total implements outside France, and these projects represent the most important features of the economy." National, as it focuses on gas production, refining and investment, and the production of solar energy. "

    He pointed out that "discussions in these projects began since October 2020, when technical, commercial, economic and financial matters were discussed for the four projects," explaining that "Total will pump billions of dollars in order to invest and realize these projects." 
    Electricity Minister Majid Mahdi Hantoush signed the principles agreement with the French company Total to implement a project to produce 1,000 megawatts of solar energy.
    The Undersecretary for Extraction Affairs Karim Hattab said, "An agreement of principles was signed between Total, Basra Oil Company and the South Gas Company for a large gas investment project in the Artawi field, West Qurna field / 2 and Majnoon field as a first stage with a capacity of 300 Moqmq in addition to 300 other tunnels as a second stage of Kharj fields of Basra gas range. " 
    Mr. Al-Wakeel indicated that the Ministry has other projects for gas investment in Maysan Governorate, Dhi Qar Governorate, Crutch in Anbar and Mansouriya in Diyala, and these projects are under signature and investment at the present time.
    The Undersecretary for Gas Affairs Hamid Yunus said, "The agreement that was signed is a framework agreement for the gas investment process and the development of the Artawi field, which will be followed by the signing of the contract after the approval of the honorable Council of Ministers. During the project, facilities for gas processing will be built with an initial capacity of 300 for several fields (Artawi, Al-Lahis, Al-Tuba and West). Al-Qurnah / 2), followed by the second phase, also with 300 workers per day, and the project will include the development of the Artawi field to raise the field’s production capacities of crude oil. The agreement also includes a project to establish solar energy and produce an energy estimated at (1000) megawatts.
    Hamza Abdel-Baqi, Director General of the South Gas Company, said that "a signature has been made with the French company, Total, which includes major projects. The first is a project to establish two-stage gas processing units with a capacity of 600 vessels, targeting the gas produced in the fields (West Qurna / 2, Majnun, Artawi) and other fields. This will contribute to this. In reducing the quantities of associated gas flaring and investing it in supplying the national gas network by the equivalent of 500 servers to generate electric power, as well as raising the energies of other gas products (liquid gas and condensate). The agreement also includes developing the Artawi field so that the production in it reaches 200 thousand barrels per day, "referring to "The current production capacity is 60 thousand barrels per day."

    "The agreement also includes the sea water project, which is one of the important projects in the sustainability of production in the oil fields and increasing their productivity to ensure the production of 2.5 million barrels as a first stage, which will increase production and export capacities in the future," Abdel-Baqi added.
    For his part, Executive Director of Total, Patrick Poyaniye, said, "His company has held talks with the Iraqi side to implement the gas investment project, and there are other projects, including increasing production from an oil field and producing electric energy from solar energy," noting that "the signing of the agreement is an important step and there will be Other steps until signing the contract after approval by the Council of Ministers, and that his company is serious about implementing the project. "

    Hussein Hatem
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