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    President infallible receives a phone call from Vice President

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    President infallible receives a phone call from Vice President Empty President infallible receives a phone call from Vice President

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Aug 2014, 5:36 am

    President infallible receives a phone call from Vice President

    August 9, 2014 |

    Received the President of the Republic Fuad Masum Friday evening 08/08/2014 a phone call from Mr. Joseph Biden, Vice President of the United States of America .

    During the call to talk about the tragic situation faced by the displaced people due to terrorism practiced by the organization Daash threats against them and carried out by this terrorist organization toward the Kurdistan Region and the rest of the cities of Iraq .

    The President explained infallible necessity of continuing humanitarian and military aid provided by the United States to Iraq in order to fight terrorism in all places Daash presence in Iraq and the need for continuity in the future, parking, thanking the United States by the Iraqi people in its war against terrorism .

    He warned the president of that organization Daash represents a new kind of terrorism and dangerous movement will have an impact on the future of Iraq and the world, particularly against ethnic minorities and religious Kaloesidean and Christians, Shabak, urging the United States to continue to provide support and to send immediate aid to displaced people in the mountains of Sinjar and the stricken areas other .

    For his part, Vice President, American full support for the head of Masum, pointing out that he owns of experience will contribute to the functioning of the political process and the formation of the government .

    And discussed the course of political events in Iraq and the functioning of the democratic process to form a government of national unity, and the price of Mr. Joe Biden, the role of the President and said, "We heard your appeal to us for help minorities who face the risk of death and genocide, especially on Mount Sinjar . "

    He thanked Mr. President Joe Biden on his interest in the affairs of the Iraqis and said "We thank the United States on humanitarian assistance and the fight against terrorism and the danger pay for the Iraqi people."

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