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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Intellectuals and activists criticize the reality of human rights and freedom of expression in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Intellectuals and activists criticize the reality of human rights and freedom of expression in Iraq Empty Intellectuals and activists criticize the reality of human rights and freedom of expression in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Jun 2022, 5:47 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Intellectuals and activists criticize the reality of human rights and freedom of expression in Iraq[/size]

    [size=45]In an important statement, intellectuals and a number of prominent activists criticized the reality of human rights in Iraq, especially freedom of expression, which is witnessing a noticeable decline, in light of the increase in arrest warrants targeting activists and writers, based on laws enacted during the previous totalitarian regime.[/size]
    [size=45]The statement received by Al-Mada confirmed that “the increasing violations of freedom of expression in Iraq, those practiced by prominent parties in the public authorities of the state, and those who occupy high positions in them, target those who criticize public performance, and are often based on justifications such as “offending.” to state institutions,” “insulting the judiciary,” “insulting symbols,” and other things, in describing opinions that lie at the heart of the field of freedom of expression guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution.[/size]
    [size=45]The statement pointed out that "public institutions' disdain for criticism usually ends with judicial prosecutions of critical voices, arresting them, accusing them of employment and espionage, intimidating them, harming their jobs and threatening their livelihoods, which puts the country on an "authoritarian path, leading to the return of dictatorship and its many tragedies."[/size]
    [size=45]The signatories and the signatories to the statement stressed what they called “democratic constants,” which are that the state’s public institutions, including the judiciary, serve the citizen, and it is neither sacred nor immune from criticism. Defamation, since it does not address people in their personal lives, but rather as public officials, and that these institutions do not have the right to judge and categorize people through their intentions, or their own understanding and interpretation of these intentions, which makes them closer to being an inquisition of the consciences of citizens.[/size]
    [size=45]The statement pointed out that "the Iraqi legislative code is still based on what was legislated by the previous totalitarian regime, and recommended the necessity of amending this code in line with Article (38) of the Iraqi constitution, and the universal principles of human rights and freedom of expression."[/size]
    [size=45]It is noteworthy that this statement came after the escalation of crackdowns on freedom of expression, which witnessed the confiscation of books, the arrests of journalists, and the suspension of television programs. And the last of this series was what happened to the “Neutral” program, which is broadcast by the official “Al-Iraqiya” channel, as it was subjected to a campaign of attack and vilification, which led to its suspension and the laying off of its work team, after an episode of last Wednesday, June 1 included some opinions that were criticized. Officials in the judiciary.[/size]
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