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    Germany tends to activate the bridges of economic cooperation with Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Germany tends to activate the bridges of economic cooperation with Iraq Empty Germany tends to activate the bridges of economic cooperation with Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Aug 2014, 7:55 am

    Germany tends to activate the bridges of economic cooperation with Iraq


    German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

    After extinguishing 80 percent of its debt
    BAGHDAD - Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb
    Examined the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce and the German delegation, who visited Baghdad recently, headed by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and a number of German businessmen, the mechanisms of activation of economic cooperation in order to achieve the economic feasibility of the parties to the process, particularly that Iraq is the most important Middle East market for German products.
    Economic bloc
    Prime investment center in Baghdad Chamber of Commerce Ala Nouri said that the joint meetings between the two sides resulted in understandings joint cooperation between Iraq and Germany, which is distinguished by being an economic bloc task in the world, as we have seen during our meeting with the German delegation atmosphere of optimism in the Iraqi market promising and enhances this Optimism about the latest data, German exports to Iraq, which recorded a significant rise in the graph for those exports.
    5 billion euros
    He said that the German delegation expressed a great desire to create bridges of economic cooperation with Iraq starting points of the indicators of a shift in German foreign policy as expressed in good faith through the write off 80 percent of Iraq's debt to Germany, the equivalent of about 5 billion euros and exchange about 400 million euros in the form of in-kind assistance directly to Iraq, it is believed that the bulk of them exchange in the Kurdistan region.
    He said that the German delegation confirmed that he has been to emphasize the economic importance of southern Iraq and in particular the province of Basra, where contribute 65 percent of GDP, and out of which about 85 percent of Iraq's oil exports.
    Infrastructure development

    For their part, pointed out members of the German delegation to the existence of many opportunities and promising for German firms on the background of the needs of Iraq's large to rehabilitate and develop the infrastructure and oil industry, as well as the need for Iraq pressing for training and rehabilitation technical and professional workforce of Iraq, where Germany has in this area experiences long known for its world- .
    And between Nouri said some businessmen Germans pointed to the intense competition they face in Basra by Chinese companies, Turkish and asked for support from the German Foreign via activation tools foreign trade policy toward Iraq, first and foremost work to protect the investments of German direct in Iraq through the conclusion of the Convention on bilaterally with Iraq, and that is exactly what has been achieved during the visit of Foreign Minister to Baghdad.
    Cooperation golden
    He said a lot of businessmen and politicians Germans refer tone of nostalgia to the golden era in trade relations between Germany and Iraq at the end of the seventies and early eighties of the last century when it was the Iraqi market represents the largest in the Arab region for German exports, which reported in 1982, a record level of approximately worth 3.9 billion dollars, according to data of the German Federal Circuit census.
    Ambassadors Forum
    He said the development of positive transformation in the strategy of German foreign policy toward Iraq is the allocation of the German Foreign Ministry special session on business opportunities in southern Iraq as part of its annual conference, which brings together the ambassadors of Germany in all countries of the world with representatives of businessmen, which was held in Berlin in 2010 and was attended by more than A businessman. This session has received with great interest by businessmen Germans who Thavetoa by the presence of the former German ambassador in Iraq, and his successor, the new.
    He was accompanied by a delegation from the minister highlighted the German businessmen, including director of gas in the company "RSS. W.. E. "energy giant, which hopes to sign a contract with the new Iraqi government for the processing of gas through the project (Napaco) strategic to transport gas from the Middle East to Europe. He accompanied the minister also Director of the company, "Volkswagen" German auto industry, which is one of the largest international companies in this field.   

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