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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentarian: The Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated Areas in Diyala is controlled by two d

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentarian: The Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated Areas in Diyala is controlled by two d Empty Parliamentarian: The Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated Areas in Diyala is controlled by two d

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Jan 2023, 5:15 am

    Parliamentarian: The Fund for the Reconstruction of Liberated Areas in Diyala is controlled by two deputies and has become political propaganda

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    2023-01-01 03:40

    Shafaq News/ Diyala MP Ahmed Rahim Al-Moussawi described, on Sunday, the Reconstruction Fund for the liberated areas as a political "tool and propaganda" for limited deputies.
    Al-Moussawi told Shafaq News agency, "The Diyala Reconstruction Fund is controlled by only two deputies, and they control the distribution of projects according to influence and interests, away from the needs, damages, and goals for which the fund was formed."

    He added, "The Diyala Reconstruction Fund did not achieve the goals and tasks entrusted to it due to political domination and politicization at the expense of Diyala's entitlements, which terrorism has turned into rubble and collapsed infrastructure, but the real projects are still absent or relative."
    Al-Moussawi called for "reconsidering the mechanisms of the Reconstruction Fund's work, keeping it away from partisan and electoral interests, and including the marginalized and deprived areas of Diyala due to their entitlement, similar to the western and liberated governorates that have been subjected to the ravages and destruction of terrorism."
    And he indicated that "the Iraq Reconstruction Fund was announced in 2015 for the reconstruction of cities liberated from ISIS gangs, but it has become a prisoner of factional political interests."
    It is noteworthy that the Reconstruction Fund is a project formed in 2015 to manage funds and donations coming from donor countries for service and infrastructure projects in areas that have been exposed to wars and the occupation of ISIS.
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      Current date/time is Tue 21 Jan 2025, 5:15 am