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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Independent Deputy: Most of the heads of parliamentary committees have no experience or competence

    Admin Assist
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    Independent Deputy: Most of the heads of parliamentary committees have no experience or competence Empty Independent Deputy: Most of the heads of parliamentary committees have no experience or competence

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2023, 9:22 am

    Independent Deputy: Most of the heads of parliamentary committees have no experience or competence

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    2023-01-31 08:51

    Shafaq News/ An independent member of the Iraqi parliament criticized, on Tuesday, the process of electing the chair of the permanent parliamentary committees, noting that "political weight and agreement" led them to chair these committees. 

    Yasser Al-Husseini told Shafaq News agency, "There are many deputies in the permanent parliamentary committees who are outside the scope of their work, and their educational attainment has nothing to do with the concerned committee," expressing his hope that "the work of the parliamentary committees will be addressed before it is too late."
    Al-Husseini warned of "a defect in the performance of the work of the committees and the oversight role of the House of Representatives, in the event that the situation remains as it is," noting that "many chairmen of the permanent parliamentary committees and their deputies are outside the jurisdiction and do not have any experience in managing the committees."
    Al-Husseini believed that "political weight and agreement are what led non-specialists to chair the permanent parliamentary committees."
    Earlier, the Iraqi Council of Representatives denied accusations leveled at it by parliamentary blocs regarding the existence of "exclusion" and "quota" in the process of electing the heads of parliamentary committees, their deputies and members, and confirmed that the parliamentary committees in the House of Representatives elected their heads and their deputies in a "democratic practice, in which I participated." All parliamentary blocs represented in the parliament.
    The House of Representatives voted during its session, which was held on Sunday (January 29), on the heads and members of the committees of each of the “finance, security and defense, legal, oil and gas and natural resources, services and construction, foreign relations, economy, industry and trade, investment and development, strategic planning and federal service.” , health and the environment, higher education and scientific research, education, work and civil society institutions, transportation and communications, regions and governorates that are not organized into a region, martyrs, prisoners and victims of terrorism, culture, tourism, antiquities and media, immigration and the displaced, community reconciliation, youth and sports, endowments and families, human rights, and women Family and childhood, agriculture, water and marshes, electricity, and integrity.
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