Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

2 posters

    Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development

    Admin Assist
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    Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development Empty Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Sep 2014, 5:34 pm

    Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development

    9/16/2014 0:00

    Corporate restructuring and the law of the infrastructure in the forefront

    BAGHDAD - Farah pumice

    In order to get the economy moving in different sectors, and achieve sustainable development through the business community and citizens, escalate calls to the necessity of activating and implementing economic decisions, and approving the draft general budget bill before the end of this year.

    An opportunity for change

    The consultant Amer Jeweler pointed to the need to implement the decisions of former government, which came after years of efforts in collaboration with private sector institutions and international organizations in order to avoid loss of time and opportunity for change and to avoid the start of the box Alaol.waosy jeweler in his statement »Sabah» compile drafts of economic laws and regulatory deactivated by took a long time and considerable effort has been the use of the many specialists and international organizations, in order to avoid falling into mistakes and direct set up in light of the need her urging to reconsider drafts of laws by the team expanded joint government and private sector, through encounters an extended cover a specified time frame.

    Strategies task

    He said the most important decisions and laws that require the activation and implementation for the advancement of different sectors, including: «Cabinet decision in 2010 to restructure public enterprises, which promotes a systematic partnership between the public and private sector in various economic sectors and the shift to joint-stock companies mixed and the representation of the private sector on the boards departments to ensure the productivity of those companies, as well as the strategic power, and strategic industries, which recommended the establishment of mixed companies new to the implementation of large projects and priority, in addition to seriously implement and flexible laws broken or lagging the most prominent of the laws of customs tariffs, and consumer protection, antitrust, and protection products Alaracah.kma stressed the importance of the legislation of laws that have been the victim of harassment policy, the most important law of infrastructure and approve budgets before the end of the year preceding the budget year, and taking into account the impact on the economy and flexibility of implementation of projects and increase credibility with the business community and the citizens and improve the reputation of Iraq's international, as well as modifying other laws necessary complementary of the economic system in Iraq, such as the law of SMEs, economic reform, the partnership between the public and private sector, the law of industrial zones and amending the Banking Act.

    Besides stressed jeweler on the importance to raise the competent authorities slogan implementation of decisions and actions, services and projects as soon as possible and the best specifications, quality and lower costs in collaboration with partners and contractors Alrchinan and experienced exclusively and avoids excuses for any deviation, as well as the launch of exports of products Iraqi unconditionally except his relationship to food security and to facilitate the procedures so that they can direct any export process within 5 days and give them all exceptions and exemptions while meeting quality requirements and specifications in addition to the formation of Export Promotion Center and the use of embassies and Iraqi commercial attaché.

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    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development Empty Re: Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development

    Post by day dreamer Mon 15 Sep 2014, 6:28 pm

    rocky wrote:Activating the economic decisions to move the wheel of development

    9/16/2014 0:00

    Corporate restructuring and the law of the infrastructure in the forefront

    BAGHDAD - Farah pumice

    In order to get the economy moving in different sectors, and achieve sustainable development through the business community and citizens, escalate calls to the necessity of activating and implementing economic decisions, and approving the draft general budget bill before the end of this year.

    An opportunity for change

    The consultant Amer Jeweler pointed to the need to implement the decisions of former government, which came after years of efforts in collaboration with private sector institutions and international organizations in order to avoid loss of time and opportunity for change and to avoid the start of the box Alaol.waosy jeweler in his statement »Sabah» compile drafts of economic laws and regulatory deactivated by took a long time and considerable effort has been the use of the many specialists and international organizations, in order to avoid falling into mistakes and direct set up in light of the need her urging to reconsider drafts of laws by the team expanded joint government and private sector, through encounters an extended cover a specified time frame.

    Strategies task

    He said the most important decisions and laws that require the activation and implementation for the advancement of different sectors, including: «Cabinet decision in 2010 to restructure public enterprises, which promotes a systematic partnership between the public and private sector in various economic sectors and the shift to joint-stock companies mixed and the representation of the private sector on the boards departments to ensure the productivity of those companies, as well as the strategic power, and strategic industries, which recommended the establishment of mixed companies new to the implementation of large projects and priority, in addition to seriously implement and flexible laws broken or lagging the most prominent of the laws of customs tariffs, and consumer protection, antitrust, and protection products Alaracah.kma stressed the importance of the legislation of laws that have been the victim of harassment policy, the most important law of infrastructure and approve budgets before the end of the year preceding the budget year, and taking into account the impact on the economy and flexibility of implementation of projects and increase credibility with the business community and the citizens and improve the reputation of Iraq's international, as well as modifying other laws necessary complementary of the economic system in Iraq, such as the law of SMEs, economic reform, the partnership between the public and private sector, the law of industrial zones and amending the Banking Act.

    Besides stressed jeweler on the importance to raise the competent authorities slogan implementation of decisions and actions, services and projects as soon as possible and the best specifications, quality and lower costs in collaboration with partners and contractors Alrchinan and experienced exclusively and avoids excuses for any deviation, as well as the launch of exports of products Iraqi unconditionally except his relationship to food security and to facilitate the procedures so that they can direct any export process within 5 days and give them all exceptions and exemptions while meeting quality requirements and specifications in addition to the formation of Export Promotion Center and the use of embassies and Iraqi commercial attaché.

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