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    Iraq is ranked 81st in the world in terms of per capita carbon emissions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq is ranked 81st in the world in terms of per capita carbon emissions Empty Iraq is ranked 81st in the world in terms of per capita carbon emissions

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Dec 2023, 5:02 am

    Iraq is ranked 81st in the world in terms of per capita carbon emissions

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    2023-12-09 04:43

    Shafaq News/ Iraq ranked 81st globally and eighth in the Arab world in terms of its per capita share of carbon dioxide, according to the American magazine Ceoworld.
    The magazine said in a report seen by Shafaq News Agency, that the major economies are not the biggest polluters, but the countries whose economies depend on fossil fuels dominate per capita carbon emissions. The magazine classified 216 countries that have the highest and lowest per capita pollutants of carbon dioxide.
    According to the table, “Qatar ranked first in terms of carbon dioxide per capita, recording approximately 67.38 tons, Bahrain ranked second with 26.7 tons, and Kuwait ranked third with 25 tons per capita.”
    The magazine pointed out that “Trinidad and Tobago ranked fourth with 23.7 tons per capita, Ronai came fifth with 23.5 tons per capita, the United Arab Emirates came in 21.8 tons per capita, New Caledonia ranked 19.10 tons, while the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ranked eighth with 18.07 tons.” The Sultanate of Oman ranked ninth with 17.89 tons, and Australia came in tenth place with 15.1 tons.
    The magazine stated that “Iraq ranked 81st globally and eighth in the Arab world, with 4.3 tons of carbon dioxide per capita.”
    The report continued, "Burundi was the lowest country in terms of the per capita share of carbon dioxide, as the per capita share was 0.01 tons, followed by Malawi with the same percentage."
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      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 4:38 pm