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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Millions of students begin the new school year tomorrow and Education: Alternatives for schools popu

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Millions of students begin the new school year tomorrow and Education: Alternatives for schools popu Empty Millions of students begin the new school year tomorrow and Education: Alternatives for schools popu

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Oct 2014, 6:26 am

    Millions of students begin the new school year tomorrow and Education: Alternatives for schools populated by IDPs

    Tuesday, 21 October 1 / Okrudolf 2014 12:24


    Millions of students go to school on Wednesday with the start of the new school year after a delay of more than a month overdue annual

    The spokeswoman for the Ministry of Education safety Hassan told all of Iraq [where] on Tuesday, "We have completed all preparations for the reception of the new school year were distributed stationery and books to the students."

    And students displaced showed al-Hassan said, "The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the local governments made ​​unremitting efforts and clear in the evacuation of schools of displaced people and displaced leaving only small proportion taken by the ministry's procedures to find alternatives which schools Alcrvanah and make the system a double in some schools to accommodate all the students."

    The spokeswoman for the Ministry of Education said that "the displaced students will join with their peers in the provinces displaced them after recording their names in the breeding managers of those provinces."

    Hassan said "we do not have in this year accurate statistics about the number of students belonging to the ministry because of the security situation and the displacement of large numbers of them," noting that "Ahsaúatna for the academic year past was referring to the nine million students."

    It was scheduled to begin the new school year in Iraq in the middle of last September but was postponed to a date of October 22 [tomorrow] because of the security situation with the displacement of hundreds of thousands of families from their home areas to other provinces and accommodation in school buildings. 2 ended.

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      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 8:57 am