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    Parliament before the adoption of the most important laws stage

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament before the adoption of the most important laws stage Empty Parliament before the adoption of the most important laws stage

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Oct 2014, 5:55 pm

    Parliament before the adoption of the most important laws stage

    10/28/2014 0:00

    100 days after the formation

    Baghdad morning Tariq al-Araji

    Description National Alliance MP Dr Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum, the performance of the House of Representatives percent during the last day of "good", adding that he was able to accomplish several political and legislative files, and in front of the adoption of the most important laws in the country stage.

    Uloum said "morning", said the House of Representatives succeeded during the last period to exercise its oversight role, by hosting officials and leaders of security, where he hosted the 12 ministers and discussed topics related to the displaced, and the file of the case Spyker, along with holding a special sessions, as well as the success of the formation of committees permanent.

    As for the legislative side, MP, has said that the Council has to read some of the laws first and second read and discussed some important laws pertaining to the displaced.

    He Bahr al-Ulum, told the council that stage task that requires him to pass laws is not an easy balancing on her head in 2015 and the Federal Court and the oil and gas law, believing that Mowaffak Parliament in what we achieved so far.

    And enables new Council of Representatives at its third session, the success of the formation of the government and the selection of the three presidencies, as well as discuss several files and hosting many of the leaders and security officials, but he did not initiate any law so far.

    She and most of the political blocs on the big desire to pass laws and not deported, as happened in previous sessions, especially the adoption of the general budget.

    And on the agenda of the meeting today said a statement Parliament issued yesterday that "includes sworn deputies who hold government positions and replacements for those who have held ministerial positions or became Vice-President of the Republic as well as the first reading of the draft scientific and technical consulting office in the Ministry of Science and Technology Law. The session will also see the first reading of the proposed Real Estate Development Authority Act in addition to the first reading of the draft Iraqi Academy of Sciences, "Law said, adding that the agenda also includes the first reading of the draft reform inmates and depositors first reading of the law project of universities and colleges, civil law and the second reading of the draft law on ratification of the Economic and Commercial Cooperation Agreement Act The scientific and technical with the Republic of Armenia, as well as the first reading of the draft Alaml.okan House bill has held its Monday October 20 ongoing and completed the first reading of the draft freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law, in addition to discussing the report of the interim parliamentary committee to follow up the situation of the displaced.

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