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    After the events of the presidential election session... parliamentary calls to activate the Conduct

    Admin Assist
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    After the events of the presidential election session... parliamentary calls to activate the Conduct Empty After the events of the presidential election session... parliamentary calls to activate the Conduct

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 May 2024, 4:41 am

    After the events of the presidential election session... parliamentary calls to activate the Conduct Committee
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Wednesday (May 22, 2024), Member of the House of Representatives, Hussein Habib, stressed the importance of the intervention of the Parliamentary Conduct Committee after the threat and intimidation from some representatives to stop the sessions, indicating that what happened on the day of the session to elect the Speaker of Parliament is not worthy of the legislative institution.
    Habib said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the events of the voting session on a candidate for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives do not befit the legislative institution in the country, which reached an exchange of blows between some representatives, which necessitated the adjournment of the session.”
    He added, "It is unlikely that a session will be held soon to vote on a candidate for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives until things calm down or an agreement is reached between the Sunni forces to propose a single candidate to go forward with, provided that all parties accept it, in addition to the importance of whoever caused the events of the previous session respecting the will of the House." He should accept the results because the competition was strong and what happened was an expression of the majority opinion.”
    He pointed out that "the threat and threat of one of the representatives that the House of Representatives session will not continue requires the intervention of the Parliamentary Conduct Committee because what happened is an insult to all its members, and efforts must be made to refer those who are negligent to the law because the House is a legislative and supervisory authority and must be an example to be emulated, far from any threats." ".
    He continued: "Deciding the position of Presidency of the House of Representatives represents stability for the Presidency and thus stability for the House as a whole, which means accelerating the pace of approving laws that concern citizens."
    Last Saturday, the House of Representatives failed for the fifth time to choose a new president, after it failed to hold a “decisive” third round to tip the balance in favor of one of the candidates, MP Salem Al-Issawi from the Sovereignty Party, and Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, who is supported by the Taqadum Party.
    Saturday's session witnessed a quarrel, fistfights, and the injury of one of the representatives, which prompted the acting Speaker of the Council, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, to adjourn the session.
    Parliament conducted two rounds to choose a president for the Council, but none of the candidates obtained a majority of half plus one, which prompted the Council to announce the existence of a third round to decide the position.
    One candidate needs 166 votes to win the position of Speaker of Parliament, and in the event that no candidate among them obtains these votes, Parliament will go to a third round of voting among the same candidates except for those who withdraw.
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      Current date/time is Sat 15 Jun 2024, 5:03 pm