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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Companies Flood Iraq with Unlicensed Foreign Labor and the Gateway is "Kurdistan" - Urgent

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Companies Flood Iraq with Unlicensed Foreign Labor and the Gateway is "Kurdistan" - Urgent Empty Companies Flood Iraq with Unlicensed Foreign Labor and the Gateway is "Kurdistan" - Urgent

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Aug 2024, 5:03 am

    Companies Flood Iraq with Unlicensed Foreign Labor and the Gateway is "Kurdistan" - Urgent

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad 
    The Labor Committee and Civil Society Organizations confirmed, today, Thursday (August 8, 2024), the continued entry of unlicensed foreign workers and work in various Iraqi governorates.
    Committee member Amir Al-Maamouri said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "Most of the unlicensed foreign workers working in Baghdad and the rest of the Iraqi provinces enter through the Kurdistan Region, and enter the provinces illegally through smuggling and concealment, and this is something that companies stand behind to achieve illegal financial gains."
    Al-Maamouri said, "The federal government must tighten coordination with the regional authorities to prevent the movement of foreign workers and limit their entry to the cities of the region according to their specified residence. Procedures must also be tightened in the governorates close to the region through which these unlicensed workers enter, and who spread throughout all the governorates after leaving the region."
    The member of the parliamentary labor committee added that "unlicensed foreign labor is currently invading the market, and official and registered foreign labor is very few compared to unlicensed labor, and this matter has affected the issue of providing job opportunities for unemployed Iraqi youth."
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs confirmed, on Wednesday (August 7, 2024), that granting entry visas to workers in Iraq is the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior.
    The Director of the Media, Arab and International Relations Department at the Ministry, Kazem Al-Atwani, said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "Granting entry visas, whether for workers or other foreign arrivals from abroad, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior, and this is currently being done in accordance with the law. As for granting work permits, this is the responsibility of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and there is a department specialized in this matter."
    Al-Atwani explained that "there are unlicensed foreign workers working in factories, hotels, restaurants, private hospitals and other work sites in the private sector. The ministry has given a deadline until the end of this month to correct the position of foreign workers, otherwise legal measures will be taken against employers who have unlicensed foreign workers."
    He revealed that "there are more than 50 thousand licensed foreign workers in Iraq, while there are many times this number who are not licensed to work in Iraq."
    He added, "The Ministry's Department of Labor and Vocational Training will conduct major inspection tours early next month to search for unlicensed foreign workers as the deadline for correcting the situation expires."
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      Current date/time is Thu 19 Sep 2024, 9:57 pm